Tag: less spicy food

Too Much Spice? Reduce Spiciness In Food With These 6 Easy Tips

Too Much Spice? Reduce Spiciness In Food With These 6 Easy Tips

[ad_1] Have you ever been in a situation where it felt like it's the perfect day to cook your favourite meal and suddenly a blunder happens! By mistake, you add too much spice to the food and are now left clueless on how to fix it? You will probably give up on the dish and prefer not eating it, to avoid the burning sensations and bad stomach. Well, you will be happy to know that spiciness in food can be reduced easily with a few basic foods kept in our kitchen. All you need to know is what to use and how to use it to fix your extra spicy meal. To help you out, we have curated a list of 6 simple tips that you can try at home to tone down the spiciness of a dish.Here Are 6 Ways You Can Reduce Spiciness Of Food:1. Add WaterThis is the most convenient way to fix spiciness in your dish. All y...