Tag: LastPass

LastPass hack causes whopping $4.4 mn loss in crypto to victims!

LastPass hack causes whopping $4.4 mn loss in crypto to victims!

[ad_1] In this digital age where everything is online, cybersecurity personnel advise keeping a password manager that can help you manage multiple passwords that you have set up for different platforms while also creating complex passwords for you. But what if the password manager itself becomes the target of hackers? This is exactly what happened with LastPass, the password manager application owned by GoTo. On October 25, at least 25 LasPass users were targeted by cybercriminals who siphoned over $4.4 million from them in crypto. Let us take a closer look.LastPass hack: What happenedAccording to blockchain analyst ZachBXT (via CoinDesk), the popular password manager LastPass has become the latest target of hackers. This is the second cyberattack on the platform in less than a year aft...