Tag: lasagna recipe video

How To Make Veg Lasagna: This Delicious Recipe Is Must-Try When You’re Hungry

How To Make Veg Lasagna: This Delicious Recipe Is Must-Try When You’re Hungry

[ad_1] This epic cheesy dish from Italy has gained a lot of popularity in current times. Today, you would find lasagna everywhere including restaurants, cafes and food courts. Typically, it features a type of pasta arranged in the form of layers with a variety of other ingredients of course, which makes it an interesting dish to dig in. Are you a fan of lasagna as well? If yes, then you can easily rustle up the dish at home. But how about giving it a little Indian twist? You will not even need the pasta for this recipe. Instead, some vegetables and leftover roti would be enough. Don't forget the cheese though. If you are okay with experimenting with food, this is something you must try. Chef Ranveer Brar has shared a recipe for veg lasagna on Instagram and it looks super delectable.Also ...