Tag: language model

Humans long way from building conscious machines, understanding consciousness, say neuroscientists

Humans long way from building conscious machines, understanding consciousness, say neuroscientists

[ad_1] We are a long way from building conscious machines, neuroscientists write in an opinion published in the journal Trends in Neurosciences.When we, humans, are interacting with AI systems such as ChatGPT, we consciously perceive the text the language model generates. The question is whether the language model also perceives our text when we prompt it, neuroscientists from Estonia, Germany, and Australia write. The authors argue that although the responses of these AI systems seem conscious, they are most likely not. First, they say, the inputs to language models lack the embodied, embedded information content characteristic of our sensory contact with the world around us.Second, the architectures of present-day AI algorithms are missing key features of the thalamocortical system (r...
ChatGPT Can Decode Fed Speak, Predict Stock Moves From Headlines

ChatGPT Can Decode Fed Speak, Predict Stock Moves From Headlines

[ad_1] The first wave of academic research applying ChatGPT to the world of finance is arriving — and judging by early results, the hype of the past few months is justified.Two new papers have been published this month that deployed the artificial intelligence chatbot in market-relevant tasks — one in deciphering whether Federal Reserve statements were hawkish or dovish, and one in determining whether headlines were good or bad for a stock. ChatGPT aced both tests, suggesting a potentially major step forward in the use of technology to turn reams of text from news articles to tweets and speeches into trading signals. That process is nothing new on Wall Street, of course, where quants have long used the kind of language models underpinning the chatbot to inform many strategies. But the f...