Tag: kokum drink

From Sharbat To Lassi: 5 Kokum Drinks To Beat The Summer Heat

From Sharbat To Lassi: 5 Kokum Drinks To Beat The Summer Heat

[ad_1] Kokum is a unique sour summer fruit which only grows tropical regions. In India, this fruit grows in the western regions, since the climate in this area is suitable for the growth of kokum. This round fruit is juicy and red when it's on the tree but once it ripens properly, it turns beautifully black and purple in colour. Kokum is harvested in peak summers especially from April to June. Since it is very sour in taste, a lot of people do not enjoy eating raw kokum but, in its dried form, this tangy fruit is used extensively in Konkan cuisine, Maharashtrian and Goan recipes and also to create cool summer beverages. We have a few delicious kokum beverage recipes for you but, before we get into those, let's find out more about kokum.Also Read: Diabetes Diet: 5 Summer Drinks That Will ...