Tag: kitchen cleaning tips

5 Mistakes You’re Unknowingly Making While Washing Dishes

5 Mistakes You’re Unknowingly Making While Washing Dishes

[ad_1] One sight that we all dread seeing in the kitchen is a sink stacked with dirty dishes. While most of us are blessed with house help to assist with cleaning, they may not always be available. In such a situation, we have to clean them ourselves. Now, of course, we all want our utensils to look spick and span, but there are certain things you need to be mindful of to achieve this. If you do not pay attention to the cleaning process, your dishes can spoil quickly and leave behind unwanted odours and bacteria. Most of the time, we make these mistakes unknowingly, but with better awareness, you can be more mindful in the future. Wondering what mistakes we're talking about? Keep reading to find out.Also Read: Easy And Effective: 5 Tips For Cleaning Your Wooden Chopping BoardPhoto Credit...
Had A Party Last Night? Clean Up The Messy Kitchen In 5 Easy Steps

Had A Party Last Night? Clean Up The Messy Kitchen In 5 Easy Steps

[ad_1] House parties are fun, even more so during the festive season. Friends and families come together to socialise and make the festival a memorable one. But let us all agree that hosting a party is not as easy as it seems. From arranging the house to cooking meals for a large group - a lot goes into putting together a perfect evening. Guess what the toughest part is? It's the post-part cleanup. We bet you will all agree to this.Cooking a meal in large batch often leave us with a messy kitchen. Then you have the used plates, cups, disposable containers, bottles, and a lot to sort. All of these come together to make the situation overwhelming at times. But fret not, we are here to help you out. This article will provide you with a post-party cleaning guide to make this easy and fuss-fr...
Smelly Kitchen Cloths And Sponges? No More! 5 Best Ways To Fix It

Smelly Kitchen Cloths And Sponges? No More! 5 Best Ways To Fix It

[ad_1] There's something very satisfying about working in a clean and organised kitchen, and by now, much has been said about how to keep it that way. But have you ever wondered what happens to those cloths and sponges used for cleaning? They are often left ignored somewhere in the corner of your house, resulting in a foul odour. Nothing is more disgusting than reaching out for a cleaning cloth only to find it stinky. This can instantly put anyone off. So, what can you do? We suggest that instead of tossing them out after every use, it's better to clean the sponges and cloths frequently to keep them fresh and hygienic. And as always, we've got your back. We've listed some interesting hacks that will help you keep those dishwashing sponges and kitchen cloths clean and hygienic.Also Read: ...
Smelly Kitchen Clothes And Sponges? No More! 5 Best Ways To Fix It

Smelly Kitchen Clothes And Sponges? No More! 5 Best Ways To Fix It

[ad_1] There's something very satisfying about working in a clean and organised kitchen, and by now, much has been said about how to keep it that way. But have you ever wondered what happens to those clothes and sponges used for cleaning? They are often left ignored somewhere in the corner of your house, resulting in a foul odour. Nothing is more disgusting than reaching out for a cleaning cloth only to find it stinky. This can instantly put anyone off. So, what can you do? We suggest that instead of tossing them out after every use, it's better to clean the sponges and clothes frequently to keep them fresh and hygienic. And as always, we've got your back. We've listed some interesting hacks that will help you keep those dishwashing sponges and kitchen clothes clean and hygienic.Also Rea...
Spruce It Up: 5 Easy Hacks To Clean Kitchen With Lemon Juice

Spruce It Up: 5 Easy Hacks To Clean Kitchen With Lemon Juice

[ad_1] For home cooks and chefs, the kitchen is no less than a sacred space. It is important to keep the kitchen well-stocked with all the necessary foods, utensils and appliances necessary for cooking. A well-organised kitchen that is clean and tidy can go a long way in making cooking a hassle-free and efficient process. Luckily, there are many ingredients that can act as natural cleansers and keep the kitchen neat and tidy. Lemon juice, for instance, is a natural cleansing agent that also cuts through dirt and grease and leaves behind a fresh-smelling kitchen.What Can You Mix With Lemon Juice For Cleaning?Lemon juice is acidic in nature and is an effective cleaning agent. However, it needs to be diluted before it can be used for cleaning. There are many ingredients you can mix with lem...