Tag: kitchen cleaning

Spruce It Up: 5 Easy Hacks To Clean Kitchen With Lemon Juice

Spruce It Up: 5 Easy Hacks To Clean Kitchen With Lemon Juice

[ad_1] For home cooks and chefs, the kitchen is no less than a sacred space. It is important to keep the kitchen well-stocked with all the necessary foods, utensils and appliances necessary for cooking. A well-organised kitchen that is clean and tidy can go a long way in making cooking a hassle-free and efficient process. Luckily, there are many ingredients that can act as natural cleansers and keep the kitchen neat and tidy. Lemon juice, for instance, is a natural cleansing agent that also cuts through dirt and grease and leaves behind a fresh-smelling kitchen.What Can You Mix With Lemon Juice For Cleaning?Lemon juice is acidic in nature and is an effective cleaning agent. However, it needs to be diluted before it can be used for cleaning. There are many ingredients you can mix with lem...