Tag: kinnow benefits

Winter Immunity: How To Make Winter-Special Kinnow Juice To Boost Immunity

Winter Immunity: How To Make Winter-Special Kinnow Juice To Boost Immunity

[ad_1] Kinnow, also known as Punjab's 'king of fruits', is one of the most loved fruits during the winter season. You'll find plenty of vendors lined up alongside roads selling freshly-squeezed kinnow juice. It is enriched with plenty of vitamin C goodness and is a wonderful source of energy for the body. This seasonal fruit looks identical to an orange but they're both different in many ways. While kinnows have a sourer taste, oranges have a sweeter taste. As the winter season is in full swing, we should take necessary steps to strengthen our immunity. And what better way than to make some fresh kinnow juice at home? This kinnow juice is super easy to make and will help boost your immunity. Also read: 5 Health Benefits Of Including Kinnows In Our Daily DietKinnows are a hybrid variety o...