Tag: juno mission

NASA’s Juno mission sheds new light on Jupiter moon Europa’s oxygen production rate

NASA’s Juno mission sheds new light on Jupiter moon Europa’s oxygen production rate

[ad_1] NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter has revealed intriguing insights into the rate of oxygen production on Europa, one of the gas giant's moons. Published in Nature Astronomy on March 4, the study indicates that the rate of oxygen production at Europa is considerably lower than previously thought. Utilizing data collected by Juno's Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE) instrument, scientists estimated the production rate to be around 26 pounds (12 kilograms) per second, challenging earlier estimates ranging from a few pounds to over 2,000 pounds per second.Europa, with its potential subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust, has long fascinated researchers for its potential to harbor life-supporting conditions. The moon's location within Jupiter's radiation belts is crucial, as ...
Juno Mission to make a close approach to Jupiter’s moon

Juno Mission to make a close approach to Jupiter’s moon

[ad_1] The Juno probe is heading towards Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, which reportedly has more water than Earth. Here's what scientists say. ater is the life-force behind every living being on the planet. Without water, there is no life. But what happens one day when this limited resource runs out? Do we simply perish or do we find another planet which has this very important resource? All these questions seem just theoretical now but someday a situation might occur when there's no water on Earth. We're in luck as NASA's Juno probe is all set to conduct a close flyby of one of Jupiter's moons which has more water than Earth, according to scientists.The Juno Probe will reportedly make a very close approach with Europa, whi...
NASA’s Juno Mission Captures Jupiter’s Complex Swirling Colours

NASA’s Juno Mission Captures Jupiter’s Complex Swirling Colours

[ad_1] Juno spacecraft snapped the picture on July 5during its 43rd close flyby of Jupiter.NASA's Juno spacecraft recently captured the complex colours and structure of Jupiter's surface. The striking image showed swirls of turquoise, milky white, deep ochre and dark blue covering the planet's surface in a mesmerising manner. In a press release, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said that the Juno probe snapped the picture on July 5 during its 43rd close flyby of Jupiter. The spacecraft was at a distance of 5,300 kilometres from the tops of the gas giant's clouds when the image was taken. "Citizen scientist Bjorn Jonsson created these two images using raw data from the JunoCam instrument aboard the spacecraft," NASA said. It further explained that the image on the left-ha...