Tag: Juno

NASA’s Juno spacecraft unveils breathtaking image of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

NASA’s Juno spacecraft unveils breathtaking image of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

[ad_1] Transporting us to the outer reaches of our solar system, NASA's Juno spacecraft recently treated space enthusiasts to a captivating snapshot of Jupiter's iconic Great Red Spot. This immense storm, a celestial marvel twice the size of Earth, has graced the gas giant for over three and a half centuries.Taking to Instagram, NASA shared the mesmerising true-colour portrait of the Great Red Spot, captured by Juno from a remarkable distance of around 8,648 miles (13,917 km). Highlighting the evolving nature of this colossal storm, NASA informed followers that it's undergoing changes, with its height diminishing by an eighth and its width by at least a third. Also read: 5 things about AI you might have missed today: Elon Musk's xAI to open-source Grok, AI problems hit manufacturing, mo...
NASA’s Juno mission sheds new light on Jupiter moon Europa’s oxygen production rate

NASA’s Juno mission sheds new light on Jupiter moon Europa’s oxygen production rate

[ad_1] NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter has revealed intriguing insights into the rate of oxygen production on Europa, one of the gas giant's moons. Published in Nature Astronomy on March 4, the study indicates that the rate of oxygen production at Europa is considerably lower than previously thought. Utilizing data collected by Juno's Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE) instrument, scientists estimated the production rate to be around 26 pounds (12 kilograms) per second, challenging earlier estimates ranging from a few pounds to over 2,000 pounds per second.Europa, with its potential subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust, has long fascinated researchers for its potential to harbor life-supporting conditions. The moon's location within Jupiter's radiation belts is crucial, as ...
NASA’s Juno spacecraft set for historic encounter with Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io; check date

NASA’s Juno spacecraft set for historic encounter with Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io; check date

[ad_1] Prepare for a celestial spectacle as NASA's Juno spacecraft gears up for an unprecedented rendezvous with Jupiter's fiery moon, Io, on Saturday, December 30. This close encounter, at a mere 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) from Io's tumultuous surface, marks the closest any spacecraft has ventured to the moon in over two decades, promising a deluge of groundbreaking data.Leading the scientific charge is Juno's principal investigator, Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, who anticipates a wealth of insights into Io's volcanic dynamics. "By combining data from this flyby with our previous observations, the Juno science team is studying how Io's volcanoes vary," Bolton explains. The team aims to unravel the mysteries of Io's eruptions- how often they o...
NASA’s Juno flyby provides an extraordinary view of Jupiter moon Io’s surface

NASA’s Juno flyby provides an extraordinary view of Jupiter moon Io’s surface

[ad_1] NASA's Juno spacecraft was designed to explore the wonders of the giant planet Jupiter. Over the years, the spacecraft has given us some interesting facts about the planet and its moons and now it captured a mesmarizing image of Jupiter's fourth moon called Io during a flyby. The image showed traces of massive volcanic activities and lava-like surfaces.Juno's capabilities have reached so far that NASA expanded that mission and now the spacecraft is contributing towards various discoveries about the Jovian system. Now, with Io's image, scientists will be able to extract more information about this intriguing Jupiter moon. About images of Jupiter's moon IoNASA's Juno spacecraft captures the closest images of the moon Io. According to a Space.com report, the moon's surface is filled...
NASA’s Hubble Telescope snaps weather changes on Jupiter and Uranus

NASA’s Hubble Telescope snaps weather changes on Jupiter and Uranus

[ad_1] Since the launch of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope way back in 1990, it has been actively tracing the evolution and formation of galaxies, black holes, dark matter, and much more. Apart from these, the Hubble Telescope has been an active interplanetary weather observer for the gaseous outer planets. Now, Hubble has now recorded a stunning observation about the giant planet Jupiter.Since the inauguration of the Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) Program of the telescope in 2014, it has provided us with fascinating ever-changing views of the giant planets. Through the program, Hubble has observed that Jupiter's weather is predominantly stormy at low northern latitudes, displaying a distinct sequence of alternating storms that create a "vortex street" in astronomical terms. NASA ...