Tag: James Webb telescope discovery

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope discovers a record-breaking tiny Brown Dwarf! Know all about it

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope discovers a record-breaking tiny Brown Dwarf! Know all about it

[ad_1] James Webb Space Telescope run by NASA has helped scientists discover various mysteries of the cosmic world going as far back in time that is extremely close to the Big Bang itself. In a recent groundbreaking discovery, James Webb Space Telescope has identified the smallest free-floating brown dwarf ever observed. NASA scientists have found this smallest object that can form in a star-like manner. Read here to know all about the newly discovered brown dwarf.What are brown dwarfs?As explained by NASA, Brown dwarfs are celestial objects straddling the line between stars and planets. They are born just like stars. They grow dense enough and then they collapse under their own gravity. However, they never become dense and hot enough for hydrogen fusion and turn into a star. Lead autho...
James Webb Telescope gives a peek into ‘baby years’ of 7 Galaxy clusters

James Webb Telescope gives a peek into ‘baby years’ of 7 Galaxy clusters

[ad_1] Since its launch, the James Webb Space Telescope has been astonishing the world with its capabilities despite being in service for less than two years. NASA's $10 billion space telescope has been capturing breathtaking images of far-off galaxies, star clusters, ancient black holes and other celestial objects. Now, it has added another feather to its cap by giving us a glimpse into the past of galaxies, when they wer babies, and how they formed, assembled and may look now.A recent study has shed light onto the early formative, 'baby years', of galaxies. According to NASA, protocluster of seven galaxies has been confirmed at a distance that astronomers refer to as redshift 7.9, or a mere 650 million years after the Big Bang. Early formation of galaxy clustersAfter analyzing the col...
Webb detects smallest main belt asteroid by chance: NASA

Webb detects smallest main belt asteroid by chance: NASA

[ad_1] An asteroid roughly the size of Rome's Colosseum, between 300 and 650 feet, or 100 and 200 metres, in length, has been detected by scientists using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, according to a new research. The object, detected by the international team of European astronomers, is likely the smallest observed to date by Webb, the research said. It may also be an example of an object measuring under 0.6 miles, or 1 kilometer, one of the smallest in length within the main asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter, the research said. The team's project used data from the calibration of the Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI), in which the team serendipitously detected an interloping asteroid, the research published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics said. Calibr...
NASA James Webb Space Telescope solves the mystery of these colossal rings

NASA James Webb Space Telescope solves the mystery of these colossal rings

[ad_1] NASA James Webb Space Telescope captures this stunning image of the rare Wolf-Rayet 140. This striking image taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope may puzzle and dazzle many. It depicts the rare Wolf-Rayet 140 (WR 140), a double star system, or a binary star system, which is around 5000 light-years from Earth. This Wolf-Rayet star is one in 600 found so far. And these mysterious rings around the star are dust shells that extend outwards over an enormous area of 10 trillion km! To keep it simple, it can be understood as being 70000 times the distance between Earth and our Sun. This stunning image has been captured by the most powerful James Webb Space Telescope.NASA shared this breathtaking image while explaining that “Just as growth rings record the history of a tree, thes...