Tag: italian food recipes

17 Best Italian Food Recipes | Easy Italian Recipes

17 Best Italian Food Recipes | Easy Italian Recipes

[ad_1] Best Italian Recipes- It would not be an exaggeration to say that India loves its pizzas, pasta and risottos, even if it means it giving the authentic Italian dishes our own desi tadka. Italian food is one of the few global cuisines that Indians are truly obsessed with. Italian food regularly features on the dining tables of most urban Indian households, and more often than not, we fall back on pastas, pizzas and risottos to satisfy our cravings for a good meal. There are so many varieties to choose among Italian dishes in veg or non-veg, from when it comes to pasta - penne, lasagne, spaghetti, macaroni, tagliatelle and ravioli among others - that you can toss them in numerous sauces, herbs, vegetables and meats and enjoy a hearty meal. Home-made pizzas are also a favourite option...
ICYMI: When Robert Downey Jr. Ate A Delicious Italian Meal Made By Stanley Tucci

ICYMI: When Robert Downey Jr. Ate A Delicious Italian Meal Made By Stanley Tucci

[ad_1] It is said that some of the greatest bonds are formed over food. Thus, sharing a meal with our loved ones is something that we all look forward to. And if the meal is home-cooked, it's even better, right? Recently, popular Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr. took some time out of his busy schedule to enjoy a wholesome Italian meal. It was cooked by none other than Stanley Tucci who himself has multiple roles to his credit. He also has a television series dedicated to the nuances of Italian cooking. Take a look:Also Read: Brad Pitt And More - 7 Hollywood Celebrities Who Admit They Love Indian FoodThe video was shared on Instagram on Robert Downey Jr's official handle. It has received over 13 million views and 1 million likes. "Dinner @ Casa Tucci - Truly a gem of a fella, & Felic...