Asteroid Search Campaign: NASA picks 16 yr old Indian girl for project

Asteroid Search Campaign: NASA picks 16 yr old Indian girl for project

[ad_1] Ritika Dhruw, a 16 year old girl from Chhattisgarh has been selected for a NASA Project. Here is all you need to know. This young student's dreams' just came true! 16-year-old tribal girl named Ritika Dhruw from Chhattisgarh's Mahasamund District has been selected for the Asteroid Search Campaign organised by the International Astronomical Search Collaboration partnering with NASAs Citizen Science Project. How did she get selected for this NASA project? According to a report by TOI, Ritika impressed the scientists from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay and Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Andhra Pradesh through her black hole presentation and this got her selected for the project. "Ritika had partici...
Mars orbiter craft completes eight years in orbit

Mars orbiter craft completes eight years in orbit

[ad_1] India's Mars orbiter craft has completed eight years in its orbit, well beyond its designed mission life of six months. India's Mars orbiter craft has completed eight years in its orbit, well beyond its designed mission life of six months. Plans on a follow-on 'Mangalyaan' mission to the Red Planet, however, are yet to be firmed up. The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) -- a technology demonstration venture -- is the maiden interplanetary mission of the national space agency, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).Launched on November 5, 2013, the probe was successfully inserted into Martian orbit on September 24, 2014 in its first attempt. To mark the latest milestone, ISRO has organised a 'National Meet on Eight Year...
Apple iPhone 14 satellite connectivity in India impossible? Check the shocking answer

Apple iPhone 14 satellite connectivity in India impossible? Check the shocking answer

[ad_1] Apple announced the satellite connectivity feature in its iPhone 14 series. Many have said it will be tough, if not impossible, to implement in India. Well, iPhone 14 satellite connectivity in India might not be as difficult as previously imagined. Even before the iPhone 14 was officially announced by Apple, one of its leaked features started multiple heated discussions in India. The feature was satellite connectivity and the fear that was expressed was that it might never see the light of day in India. The fear was not unfounded. According to the guidelines by the Department of Telecommunications, there were multiple layers of permissions and approvals required for the service to be allowed for just one person. With a...
Hughes and ISRO launch India’s first HTS broadband service

Hughes and ISRO launch India’s first HTS broadband service

[ad_1] New Delhi, Sep 12 (PTI) Hughes Communications on Monday announced the commercial launch of India's first High Throughput Satellite (HTS) broadband internet service.The service will provide high-speed satellite internet across the country, including in remote locations that are unserviceable by terrestrial networks, using Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)'s GSAT-11 and GSAT-29 communication satellites. The service supports applications such as WiFi hotspots for community internet access, managed SD-WAN solutions, backhaul for mobile network, and satellite internet for small businesses, the statement said. "With the new HTS capabilities powered by ISRO satellites, we are confident that HCI will continue to deliver excellent quality satellite broadband s...
India To Design, Build Reusable Rocket For Global Market: ISRO

India To Design, Build Reusable Rocket For Global Market: ISRO

[ad_1] ISRO would like to design and build a new rocket which will be reusable, M Somanathan said.Bengaluru: India has plans to design and build a new reusable rocket for the global market that would significantly cut the cost of launching satellites, a top government official said on Monday. "...all of us want launches to be much cheaper than what we do today," Secretary in the Department of Space and Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) S Somanath said.Addressing the seventh 'Bengaluru Space Expo 2022' and later talking to reporters, he noted that at present it takes about USD 10,000 to USD 15,000 to put a one-kg payload into orbit."We have to bring it down to USD 5,000 or even USD 1,000 per kg. Only way to do that is to make the rocket reusable. Today in India we don'...
India can capture 8% of world space economy, but ISRO, pvt sector must do this first

India can capture 8% of world space economy, but ISRO, pvt sector must do this first

[ad_1] Hard work by private sector, ISRO could see India capture 8% of global space economy:Officia India's space sector accounts for two per cent of the global space economy, but can aim to touch eight per cent on the back of hard work by the private sector with hand holding from space agency ISRO, a top official has said. The new space policy, which is expected to be unveiled soon, will remove most of the constraints faced by private players, who can look forward to building satellites, leasing out transponders, building launch vehicles and exploring the world of space-based applications. “The most important objective of the space policy is to promote and facilitate the private sector playing a key role in the space se...
Space Agency ISRO Demonstrates New Technology For Future Missions

Space Agency ISRO Demonstrates New Technology For Future Missions

[ad_1] Indian Space Research Organisation is headquartered in Bengaluru.Bengaluru: ISRO on Saturday successfully demonstrated a new technology with Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (IAD) that it said is a game-changer with multiple applications for future missions including to Mars and Venus.An IAD, designed and developed by ISRO's Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), was successfully test flown in a 'Rohini' sounding rocket from Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS).The IAD was initially folded and kept inside the payload bay of the rocket, according to the Bengaluru-headquartered Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).At around 84 km altitude, the IAD was inflated and it descended through atmosphere with the payload part of sounding rocket. The pneumatic system for in...