Tag: Io

NASA’s Juno spacecraft set for historic encounter with Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io; check date

NASA’s Juno spacecraft set for historic encounter with Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io; check date

[ad_1] Prepare for a celestial spectacle as NASA's Juno spacecraft gears up for an unprecedented rendezvous with Jupiter's fiery moon, Io, on Saturday, December 30. This close encounter, at a mere 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) from Io's tumultuous surface, marks the closest any spacecraft has ventured to the moon in over two decades, promising a deluge of groundbreaking data.Leading the scientific charge is Juno's principal investigator, Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, who anticipates a wealth of insights into Io's volcanic dynamics. "By combining data from this flyby with our previous observations, the Juno science team is studying how Io's volcanoes vary," Bolton explains. The team aims to unravel the mysteries of Io's eruptions- how often they o...
Pleiades Neo satellite snaps awesome snapshot of Jupiter, 4 moons

Pleiades Neo satellite snaps awesome snapshot of Jupiter, 4 moons

[ad_1] One of Europe's flagship satellites has captured Jupiter and its largest Moon, Ganymede. Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system, and it is by far the biggest one. In fact, it is twice as big as all the other planets in our solar system combined. Jupiter is also known as the Gas Giant due to a dense atmosphere of hydrogen and helium with windy clouds of ammonia. It also has the most moons in the solar system, with 92 confirmed moons with orbits, according to International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center. In fact, Jupiter is also referred to as a failed sun-it just could not get big enough.Jupiter and its moons capturedThe picture captured shows Jupiter with Ganymede orbiting it in close proximity. Moreover, its other moons such as Callisto and Europa can be seen ...