Tag: intermittent fasting diet tips

3 Facts You Must Know Before Planning Intermittent Fasting – Expert Shares

3 Facts You Must Know Before Planning Intermittent Fasting – Expert Shares

[ad_1] Let's put it straight - intermittent fasting is not a fad diet. It is simply about eating healthily and nutritiously within a restricted period of time. However, according to several experts, following intermittent fasting for an extended period may have some negative effects on your overall health. Nutritionist Rashi Choudhury recently highlighted a few essential factors that one must consider before adapting to an intermittent fasting regime. She took to Instagram to share, "We can't negate the positive effects of a bacterium called 'akkermensia' that multiplies when we fast, but let's not overdo this, especially if you're a woman." Let's find out why.Also Read: Unveiling The Potential Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting In DiabetesHere Are 3 Important Facts About Intermitte...
Planning Intermittent Fasting? Pause, Check If It’s Best For You

Planning Intermittent Fasting? Pause, Check If It’s Best For You

[ad_1] We have seen several fad diets come and go, but one diet that has stayed and remains a popular choice is intermittent fasting. This diet has gained significant attention in recent years, thanks to its potential benefits for our health. From weight loss to improved metabolic activity, intermittent fasting benefits us in many ways. However, it's important to know that not everyone should jump on the fasting bandwagon. Yes, it's true that intermittent fasting is indeed not the same for everyone. Some people need to exercise caution while following intermittent fasting.Also Read: Intermittent Fasting May Stall Weight Loss After Some Time - Don't Make These 5 Diet MistakesWhat Is An Intermittent Diet Plan? Basics Of Intermittent FastingThe best part about intermittent fasting is that i...
Intermittent Fasting: Good Or Bad For The Ones Skipping Breakfast?

Intermittent Fasting: Good Or Bad For The Ones Skipping Breakfast?

[ad_1] We all have grown up hearing, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and it stands true even today. As per nutritionists and health experts, breakfast helps you break the night-long fast and refuels the body with essential nutrients to keep functioning. But over the years, with new diet patterns like intermittent fasting coming to the limelight, the universal idea of breakfast has been put into question. Today, intermittent fasting (IF) is far from being a passing trend, with more and more people embracing it for good health. According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta, "Intermittent fasting is not a fad diet; it is eating in a restricted time period that helps achieve good metabolic outcomes. And since 2016, there have been a good number of clinical studies to pr...