Tag: indigestion

Indigestion Problems? 5 Reasons Why You Should Fix Your Dinner Timings

Indigestion Problems? 5 Reasons Why You Should Fix Your Dinner Timings

[ad_1] Have you been waking up with an irritated stomach every morning? Does bloating, indigestion, and heartburn keep you low for the rest of the day? Do your digestion issues aggravate at night, even after eating healthy? If you answered yes, then this article might help you detect the underlying problem. You read that right. During our research, we came across some expert-recommended tips that describe how one basic change in your lifestyle can help fix all your digestion and metabolism-related issues. Wonder what that is? According to nutritionist Lovneet Batra, it is your dinner timing.Also Read: Avoid These Vegetables For Dinner To Prevent Bloating At NightHow Dinner Time Is Linked To Digestion? When Is The Right Time To Eat Dinner?Nutritionist Lovneet Batra explains, "You can neve...
Tired of Bloating After Eating Out? Try This Quick Pre-Meal Snack

Tired of Bloating After Eating Out? Try This Quick Pre-Meal Snack

[ad_1] Does this happen often with you - enjoying a delicious meal at our favourite restaurant, only to be plagued by uncomfortable bloating afterwards? It's a common issue, but we found a simple and tasty solution to help you avoid that post-meal bloating discomfort. Restaurant food is delicious - precisely the reason we go for it, but it is also heavy, which often leads to indigestion. Let us introduce you to a small pre-meal snack that can make a big difference in your dining experience. Just pop these tiny, flavourful balls before heading out to a restaurant and enjoy the food without worrying about the aftermaths of a lavish meal.Also Read: Summer Diet Tips: 5 Herbal Teas That May Remedy Bloating And GasThis hack has come from dietitian Manpreet Kalra, who also gave the recipe on he...
How Ginger Tea Helps With Indigestion, Plus Easy Recipe To Make It

How Ginger Tea Helps With Indigestion, Plus Easy Recipe To Make It

[ad_1] Ginger holds a prominent position in the world of spices. Revered for its remarkable medicinal properties, ginger is commonly used in households across India. In fact, it is an indispensable component of various regional cuisines. It adds its pungent flavour, soothing aroma and various health-benefiting properties to the food we eat. One of the many advantages associated with its offerings is to fight off tummy troubles. We often face the problem of indigestion, especially after eating heavy and spicy Indian food. Ginger comes in as a powerful home remedy to curb this problem and help prevent it in the first place. And the best way to go about it is by having ginger tea. Also Read: Ginger Green Chilli Tea Can Regulate Blood Sugar And Boost Immunity As WellIs Ginger Tea Good For Di...
Can Low Stomach Acid Cause Indigestion? Here’s What You Should Know

Can Low Stomach Acid Cause Indigestion? Here’s What You Should Know

[ad_1] When it comes to gut health, indigestion is a common concern. Many of us face problems with digestion. They are caused by a number of dietary and/or lifestyle factors. Home remedies and tablets may provide quick and temporary relief. But for long-term gut health, we need to understand the true reasons behind the issues. Nutritionist Shikha Gupta recently shared an Instagram reel discussing a common yet lesser-known factor that leads to stomach problems: low stomach acid. She has explained the causes as well as effects of this condition. Here's what you need to understand first:Also Read: To Eat Or Not To Eat? 11 Best And Worst Foods For Acid RefluxWhat Is The Role Of Acid In The Stomach?Gastric acid helps break down food and activates digestive enzymes for the digestion of protein...
Say Goodbye To Bloating With These 5 Must-East And Must-Avoid Foods

Say Goodbye To Bloating With These 5 Must-East And Must-Avoid Foods

[ad_1] We all have felt bloated after certain meals. It is possibly one of the most common problems we all face. Bloating occurs when gas produced by the breakdown of food accumulates in your stomach, rather than passing out. This is when we feel uneasiness and pain in the tummy, further leading to acidity, indigestion and other gastric problems. What do you do then? Of course, look for a quick fix for the uneasiness. While there are variety of digestives available in the market, but they only provide instant relief. What you need is a solution that will prevent it from recurring in the longer run. Fret not, we have got you covered. We bring you lists of foods that you should avoid and eat to prevent bloating. Let's take a look.Here're 5 Worst Foods For Bloating:1. LegumesLegumes are con...