Tag: indian spices health benefits

5 Cooling Spices You Need Not Avoid During Summer

5 Cooling Spices You Need Not Avoid During Summer

[ad_1] We often make changes in our diet according to the season. Given the hot weather at present, many of us opt for foods that have cooling properties. For instance, we tend to choose hydrating fruits and veggies like watermelons and cucumbers. We also avoid consuming too much fried food. But what about everyday ingredients we cook with? When it comes to Indian cuisine especially, we rely on a range of spices to give flavour to our dishes. You may think that any spice is bound to have a heating effect on your body - but this is a misconception. Particular ones can actually provide you with important benefits, especially during this season.Also Read: 10 Traditional Indian Cool Drinks You Have To TryHere Are 5 Cooling Spices You Can Have In Summer:1. Fennel (Saunf)Summer Diet Tips: Fenn...