Tag: Indian businesses and Artificial Intelligence

AI Appreciation Day: AI’s revolutionary impact – transforming businesses to shaping the future

AI Appreciation Day: AI’s revolutionary impact – transforming businesses to shaping the future

[ad_1] As AI Appreciation Day arrives (July 16), we take a moment to recognise and celebrate the revolutionary influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Indian businesses. This special occasion reminds us of the incredible progress and innovations that AI has brought to various industries, ushering them into a new era of efficiency, accessibility, and growth. AI has transformed the Indian SaaS landscape, revolutionized personalized fitness experiences, and improved customer support and marketing analysis. Despite the dangers voiced by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and others about the threat to humanity from AI, it has become an essential tool for driving success and shaping the future of businesses in India. Today, we appreciate and acknowledge the transformative power of AI in Indian indust...