Tag: ibm ai

5 things about AI you may have missed today: India preparing AI regulations, IBM’s AI acquisition, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: India preparing AI regulations, IBM’s AI acquisition, more

[ad_1] Today, December 19, has turned out to be an important day for artificial intelligence, especially for India. The government has announced that it has commenced the process of formulating regulations on AI to foster development, protection, and innovation in this space. In other news, IBM has revealed its plans to acquire StreamSets and webMethods platforms of Software AG for a total of 2.3 billion dollars in a bid to improve its own AI offerings. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.Indian government preparing AI regulationsThe Indian government has initiated the process of formulating regulations for AI to promote development, protection, and innovation in the field, reported PTI. The Secretary of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: Foxconn, Nvidia to build AI factories, IBM’s AI pact with India, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Foxconn, Nvidia to build AI factories, IBM’s AI pact with India, more

[ad_1] In what proved to be an interesting day big steps were taken in furthering the advancement of artificial intelligence. In the first incident, Foxconn and Nvidia partnered up to set up AI factories to create a range of products including self-driving cars. In other news, IBM has signed three different agreements with the IT Ministry in the space of semiconductors, AI, and quantum computing. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.Nvidia, Foxconn to set up AI factoriesTaiwan's Foxconn and Nvidia have revealed plans to collaborate on the construction of a new AI-powered data center, reported Reuters. This facility will incorporate Nvidia chips and software designed for a diverse array of applications, including self-driving cars. This announcement was made dur...
IBM joins the AI race with WatsonX; will ‘multiply impact’ of artificial intelligence across businesses

IBM joins the AI race with WatsonX; will ‘multiply impact’ of artificial intelligence across businesses

[ad_1] The iconic American multinational corporation, International Business Machines Corps (IBM) dipped its toes into artificial intelligence more than 10 years ago. In 2010, it created Watson, a software that was capable of answering questions in natural language. It captured people's attention for winning the game show “Jeopardy!”. But the offering was never really substantiated commercially, and eventually, IBM was forced to sell its Watson Health unit for an undisclosed amount. But now, in 2023, the tech giant is back and has joined the AI race with its new WatsonX AI platform.IBM unveiled the platform earlier today, May 9 as an all-in-one toolkit to build and integrate AI solutions for enterprises. Introducing WatsonX, IBM website mentions, “Watsonx is our upcoming enterprise-read...
Google, IBM to Tesla A, how these companies are using AI to transform work

Google, IBM to Tesla A, how these companies are using AI to transform work

[ad_1] Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative technologies of the current time. From improving customer experiences to creating more efficient business operations, the possibilities of AI are endless. Here are some companies that are leading the way in AI and driving transformation and innovation, including Google, IBM, Tesla, Adverb and more.GoogleGoogle is one of the most well-known tech companies. From self-driving cars to natural language processing, Google is using AI to improve the way we interact with technology and the world around us. IBMIBM has been a leader in AI research since the 1950s. Today, their AI technology is being used in industries ranging from healthcare to finance. AddverbAddverb is a home-grown Indian company that specializes in providing...
IBM eyes hiring pause because AI does the job

IBM eyes hiring pause because AI does the job

[ad_1] The CEO of IBM said he was eyeing to downsize the tech giant's back office workforce by nearly a third because those jobs are being made redundant by advances in artificial intelligence.In an interview with Bloomberg on Monday, Arvind Krishna said that his company would enact a pause in hiring in those roles, and potentially reduce the payroll by 7,800 jobs over several years. "These non-customer-facing roles amount to roughly 26,000 workers," Krishna said. "I could easily see 30 percent of that getting replaced by AI and automation over a five-year period." Back office employees are only a fraction of IBM's roughly 260,000 workers, and the company has continued to hire in certain roles, even after recently letting go about 5,000 workers in other areas, the Bloomberg report said....