Tag: Hubble Space Telescope galaxy image

Photobombed! Asteroid sneaks into this Hubble Space Telescope image

Photobombed! Asteroid sneaks into this Hubble Space Telescope image

[ad_1] An asteroid has been caught sneaking into a galaxy image by the Hubble Space telescope. Here is all you need to know. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has been capturing and sharing some amazing glimpses of space. Sharing one of Hubble's images, the European Space Agency (ESA) informed that the image has been photobombed by a host of astronomical objects, especially an asteroid. In the centre of the image, the vague shape of the small galaxy UGC 7983 appears as a hazy cloud of light and an asteroid can be seen as a row of four thin consecutive lines spreading from the left upper corner."A host of astronomical objects throng this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Background galaxies ranging from stately spirals to fuzzy ellipticals are strewn across the image, and bri...