Tag: how to clean knife

Safe Kitchen Practice: How To Handle Kitchen Knives Like A Pro?

Safe Kitchen Practice: How To Handle Kitchen Knives Like A Pro?

[ad_1] Wonder why your sauteed vegetables don't taste like the ones available at restaurants? Has it anything to do with the cooking process? The answer is no! Instead, it depends on how the ingredients are chopped. Ask any expert or the mothers and grandmothers at home, they would always ask you to slice the vegetables proportionately. Ever wondered, why? It's because the shape and the size of the ingredients help define the final look and taste of food - and that is where a good knife comes into play. How you cut the ingredients depends much on the quality of the knife. If you have a blunt knife in hand, it may slip during the process, leading to an uneven shape.Then there are risks of cutting your skin while chopping vegetables. If you don't handle a sharp knife properly, you may end ...
Kitchen Tips: How To Properly Clean Kitchen Knives – Process, Tips And Tricks

Kitchen Tips: How To Properly Clean Kitchen Knives – Process, Tips And Tricks

[ad_1] The right kind of tools and equipment can go a long way in making our food taste delicious. Whether it is a mixer grinder or merely a chopping board, all these are essential to complete food preparation before we dive into cooking. When it comes to kitchen tools, the right kind of knife can be quite useful in various processes including peeling, cutting, chopping, paring and fileting. After we have chosen the correct knife as per our needs, it is also vital to keep these knives clean so that they can function properly.Which Is The Best Cleaning Agent For Knives?The right kind of knife can make the world of a difference to your cooking. But knife maintenance and cleanliness are also equally important. You do not need any fancy cleaning solution for knives, as may be a common notion...