Tag: how does nebula form

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 6 February 2023: Heart of the Rosette Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 6 February 2023: Heart of the Rosette Nebula

[ad_1] A breathtaking image of a nebula, which is around 5200 light-years away from Earth has been featured as the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day. While explaining the image, NASA says in the heart of the Rosette Nebula, there lies a bright cluster of stars that light up the nebula. NGC 2244's stars only formed a few million years ago from the surrounding gas. The center of the Rosette Nebula, visible through binoculars in the Monoceros constellation, measures about 50 light-years in diameter.NASA further mentioned that the featured image was captured in mid-January using multiple exposures and specific colours. Sulfur is shown in red, Hydrogen in green, and Oxygen in blue, providing a highly detailed view of the central region. A hot wind of particles from the cluster stars contrib...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 4 February 2023: A nebula-3200 light years away

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 4 February 2023: A nebula-3200 light years away

[ad_1] Nebula is nothing but the beginning of a star! How? NASA explains that Nebulae are composed of dust and gaseous matter, primarily hydrogen and helium. Despite being dispersed, gravity can cause clumps of dust and gas to converge over time, leading to increased gravitational pull. Once these clumps become substantial, they collapse under their own gravity, heating up the central material and forming the beginnings of a star.Today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is NGC 2626, a beautiful, bright, blue reflection nebula in the southern Milky Way which is centered in this colourful cosmic canvas. NGC 2626 is located near a dusty cloud and encircled by reddish hydrogen emissions from the H II region RCW 27. It is part of a group of dusty molecular clouds called the Vela Molecula...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 January 2023: The Enchanting Lynds’ Dark Nebula

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 25 January 2023: The Enchanting Lynds’ Dark Nebula

[ad_1] NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is an enchanting snapshot of Lynds' Dark Nebula captured by astrophotographer Joshua Carter. Nebulas exist in the space between stars, known as the Interstellar space. In fact, there is a Nebula close to Earth which could possibly be the remnant of the dying star, according to NASA. It is called the Helix Nebula and is located approximately 700 light-years away from Earth. NASA captures the Nebulas with the help of its Spitzer Space Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope and the new James Webb Space Telescope.Lynds' Dark Nebula is a catalog of over 700 dark nebulae discovered by American astronomer Barbara Lynds in the 1960s. Dark nebulae are clouds of dust and gas that block the light from stars and other objects behind them, making them appear d...