Tag: honey vs sugar

Is Honey Better Than Sugar For Weight Loss In Diabetes Diet? Busting Some Myths

Is Honey Better Than Sugar For Weight Loss In Diabetes Diet? Busting Some Myths

[ad_1] In an attempt to eat healthy, we often find ourselves grappling with the sugar dilemma. On one hand, we hear dire warnings about sugar's impact on our health - from weight gain to diabetes and heart disease. On the other hand, we encounter a sweet alternative that seems too good to be true: honey. But is honey truly the golden answer to our sugar problems, or is it just another sweet myth? Let's dive into this sticky debate.Also Read: Honey, Lemon and Water: Urban Myth or Miracle Potion?The Natural Sweetener Showdown: Honey vs. SugarBefore we declare a winner, let's understand what makes honey and sugar different.Honey: It's a natural sweetener produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Honey contains glucose and fructose, making it sweeter than table sugar. It also boasts a mix...