Tag: honey benefits

5 Foolproof Hacks To Properly Store Honey And Keep It Fresh For Longer

5 Foolproof Hacks To Properly Store Honey And Keep It Fresh For Longer

[ad_1] In our daily culinary routine, our kitchens are stocked with essentials like pulses, rice, flour, and spices. Ensuring their proper storage is a no-brainer. But nestled among these staples is the sweet treasure of honey, a versatile ingredient that finds its way into our food and wellness regimens. Since honey is typically used in small quantities, it often lingers in our pantries for prolonged periods. Unfortunately, if not stored correctly, honey can swiftly turn rancid, leaving us with no choice but to bid it adieu. But fret not! With a few insider tricks up your sleeve, you can keep your honey pot fresh for ages.Also Read: Onion Prices Hike: 7 Genius Hacks For Delicious, Onion-Free Gravy That'll Blow Your MindWhat Is Honey? Understanding The Sweetness Of HoneyLet's begin with ...
Dahi + Honey = Glowing Skin! This Classic Combination Is A Must-Try

Dahi + Honey = Glowing Skin! This Classic Combination Is A Must-Try

[ad_1] Have you been dealing with pimples, acne and other skin problems for long? Are you planning to visit a dermatologist for a solution? But first things first, have you checked the creams you have been applying every day? At times, the chemicals in these expensive moisturisers react negatively to your skin, making it dull and bumpy. And if you have a sedentary lifestyle, it just adds to the concern. This is where food comes to the rescue. By now, you surely know that a healthy diet impacts your skin significantly - it helps the skin breathe, detox and glow naturally. And the best part is: you don't need to go miles or shell out a lot to pick those food ingredients. They are available right in front of you - dahi (curd) and honey!How Dahi And Honey Help Your Skin Glow:Dahi is cold in ...