Tag: home remedy

Pigmentation Problems? This Simple Home Remedy Promises To Beat It Naturally

Pigmentation Problems? This Simple Home Remedy Promises To Beat It Naturally

[ad_1] We all dream of radiant and flawless skin and end up investing heavily in elaborate skincare products. What we overlook is the crucial role that diet plays in skin health. Skin pigmentation is a common problem that many women and even men face, due to many reasons. While a skincare routine can certainly help address pigmentation issues, the foods we consume also play a significant role in achieving a luminous complexion. Our skin reflects what we put into our bodies, making dietary choices paramount in our fight against pigmentation. A well-rounded diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can work wonders in improving skin tone and texture, complementing any skincare regimen.What are the causes of skin pigmentation?Understanding the root causes of pigmentation is essentia...
Did Your Test Reports Show Fatty Liver? Try This Expert-Backed Natural Home Remedy

Did Your Test Reports Show Fatty Liver? Try This Expert-Backed Natural Home Remedy

[ad_1] In the modern world, where processed foods and sedentary lifestyles are prevalent, the incidence of fatty liver disease is on the rise. A fatty liver, characterised by the accumulation of fat in liver cells, can lead to serious health complications if left unchecked. Managing fatty liver disease requires a multifaceted approach that includes dietary modifications and lifestyle changes. By adopting a healthy lifestyle and incorporating liver-supporting foods into your routine, you can take proactive steps towards improving your liver health and overall well-being. However, there are some home remedies too that can help combat this condition in a natural way.How to fix a fatty liver:When it comes to fixing a fatty liver, lifestyle modifications are key. Incorporating regular exercis...
Do Your Test Reports Show Fatty Liver? Try This Expert-Backed Natural Home Remedy

Do Your Test Reports Show Fatty Liver? Try This Expert-Backed Natural Home Remedy

[ad_1] In the modern world, where processed foods and sedentary lifestyles are prevalent, the incidence of fatty liver disease is on the rise. A fatty liver, characterised by the accumulation of fat in liver cells, can lead to serious health complications if left unchecked. Managing fatty liver disease requires a multifaceted approach that includes dietary modifications and lifestyle changes. By adopting a healthy lifestyle and incorporating liver-supporting foods into your routine, you can take proactive steps towards improving your liver health and overall well-being. However, there are some home remedies too that can help combat this condition in a natural way.How to fix a fatty liver:When it comes to fixing a fatty liver, lifestyle modifications are key. Incorporating regular exercis...
How I Found Relief From Gas And Bloating With Luke Coutinho’s Anti-Bloat Tea

How I Found Relief From Gas And Bloating With Luke Coutinho’s Anti-Bloat Tea

[ad_1] As a food lover with a knack for home remedies, I have always believed in the power of natural ingredients to heal and nourish the body. My latest find: An anti-bloat infusion, crafted by the renowned health expert Luke Coutinho. From time to time, I have struggled with bloating and gas, especially after meals. The solution began with a simple realization: bloating was more than just discomfort - it was a message from the body to pay attention to its needs. With this in mind, I set out to find a remedy that not only provided relief but also addressed the root causes of bloating.Luke Coutinho shared the remedy for gas and bloating - an anti-bloat tea, the recipe for which seemed quite easy. In his own words, it is "a simple yet powerful anti-bloat infusion you can make at home for ...
2 DIY Tonic Shots That Work As Great Home Remedies For Common Cold

2 DIY Tonic Shots That Work As Great Home Remedies For Common Cold

[ad_1] As winter sets in, so does the common cold season, and many of us turn to time-tested home remedies to find relief. Fortunately, some of the most potent allies against cold symptoms are right there in our kitchens - Indian spices known for their warming and healing properties. Among these spices, black pepper emerges as a hero, particularly when it comes to soothing chest congestion and addressing the common cold.Can black pepper unblock the nose?Originating from the southern part of India, black pepper has seamlessly woven itself into pan-Indian culinary traditions. Its culinary use extends beyond flavour enhancement, especially during the winter months, thanks to its soothing effects on nasal congestion.Also Read: Tips To Ensure Your Kids Stay Free Of Common Cold And Other Illne...
Tired of Bloating After Eating Out? Try This Quick Pre-Meal Snack

Tired of Bloating After Eating Out? Try This Quick Pre-Meal Snack

[ad_1] Does this happen often with you - enjoying a delicious meal at our favourite restaurant, only to be plagued by uncomfortable bloating afterwards? It's a common issue, but we found a simple and tasty solution to help you avoid that post-meal bloating discomfort. Restaurant food is delicious - precisely the reason we go for it, but it is also heavy, which often leads to indigestion. Let us introduce you to a small pre-meal snack that can make a big difference in your dining experience. Just pop these tiny, flavourful balls before heading out to a restaurant and enjoy the food without worrying about the aftermaths of a lavish meal.Also Read: Summer Diet Tips: 5 Herbal Teas That May Remedy Bloating And GasThis hack has come from dietitian Manpreet Kalra, who also gave the recipe on he...
How To Make Ginger Candy: A Delicious Remedy For Cold And Cough

How To Make Ginger Candy: A Delicious Remedy For Cold And Cough

[ad_1] Ginger tea, ginger kadha, ginger syrup - we instantly turn to ginger every time we get a cold, cough and sore throat. Such is the power of this humble root that it actually provides us relief from all common ailments. But let's agree that these home remedies don't always taste great, and it's almost impossible to give them to the kids. But what they'll love is ginger candy that will do the same job as any other home remedy you've been having so far. Ginger candy is a small yet mighty candy that offers a delightful fusion of flavours. It's the perfect balance of sweet and salty that keeps your taste buds happy. Plus, with the added benefits of ginger and honey, it's a treat that you can feel good about enjoying.Also Read: Enjoy Fresh Ginger Every Time. Viral Video Shows How To Grow...
Beat Constipation Naturally – How Triphala Powder Helps You Relieve with Ease

Beat Constipation Naturally – How Triphala Powder Helps You Relieve with Ease

[ad_1] In today's fast-paced world, poor lifestyle choices often lead to uncomfortable digestive issues like bloating and constipation, indicating that our intestinal tract might be out of balance. Chronic constipation is even worse, as it takes a toll on our health and peace of mind. Struggling to empty the bowels can be distressing, and factors such as dehydration, an improper diet, stress, and certain medications contribute to this condition. Thankfully, ancient wisdom comes to our aid in the form of remedies like Triphala churna - a brown-coloured powder formulated from amla (Indian gooseberry) powder and two other dried and powdered fruits. The term 'Triphala' is derived from two Sanskrit words - 'tri' (meaning three) and 'phala' (meaning fruits).Also Read: Feel Bloated After Meals?...
Can Giloy Juice Act As Natural Supplement? Here’s What Experts Say

Can Giloy Juice Act As Natural Supplement? Here’s What Experts Say

[ad_1] For any health issue, we often turn to modern supplements and superfoods. However, hidden in the annals of traditional medicine lies a powerful natural remedy that has been used for centuries - giloy juice. Much has been talked about giloy juice and how it can do wonders for our health. Giloy has earned its reputation as a universal herb that can be used in home remedies to promote overall well-being. Derived from the Tinospora Cordifolia plant, giloy has gained recognition as a powerful and safe health supplement, and that's why giloy juice is promoted as an effective solution to combat various ailments. Here's an interesting fact - giloy is known as 'Amrita' in Sanskrit, which means 'the root of immortality.'Giloy has been an intrinsic part of ancient Indian healing practices li...
Relieve Bloating With This ‘De-Bloat’ Tea Made With Common Kitchen Foods

Relieve Bloating With This ‘De-Bloat’ Tea Made With Common Kitchen Foods

[ad_1] You know that feeling when your pants suddenly feel a bit too tight after a heavy meal? You just want to curl up in your bed and wait for it to pass. Bloating is a common gastrointestinal symptom that leaves us feeling full, with tightness, a distended belly, and stomach pain or cramps. While bloating is generally not considered a serious health issue, it can cause significant discomfort and inconvenience. Bloating occurs when there's an excess build-up of gas in the digestive system, causing our abdomen to swell up.What Is The Main Cause Of Bloating? Bloating can happen to anyone, for a variety of reasons. It can be caused by eating too much, eating too fast, or eating certain foods that are hard to digest. Gas produced by the breakdown of food accumulates in your stomach, rather...