Tag: home remedies for cold and cough

Why Ginger Is Good For Immunity In Winter; Find Ginger Home Remedies Inside

Why Ginger Is Good For Immunity In Winter; Find Ginger Home Remedies Inside

[ad_1] It's not just the weather outside that looks different in winter. Right from our clothing to meals, the world around us goes through an instant transformation as soon as the temperature dips. While sarson ka saag, gajar ka halwa and more such winter specialties appear evidently in our plates, there is one more food that sneaks in our day-to-day diet. If you notice carefully, your tea, soup and even sabzis imbue more flavour of ginger. Right? Ginger too, like other foods, makes its presence stronger in our winter diet, especially when the flu is in the air. Ever wondered why? Why Is Ginger Good In Winter: Ginger is a warming spice; it contains an active component called gingerol which is the root of its most profound health benefits. Gingerol warms up your body instantly and provid...
Dietitian Suggests Home Remedies To Prevent Cold And Cough In Winter

Dietitian Suggests Home Remedies To Prevent Cold And Cough In Winter

[ad_1] Are you or someone in your family suffering from cold and cough? It's really in the air this time. The season change tends to make our bodies susceptible to these common infections. While medications are readily available to treat the common cold and cough, you know better it still takes time and it's difficult to function with the ongoing symptoms. If cold and cough alone were not enough to tucker us out, fatigue, drowsiness, body ache, fever, headache blocked nose and scratchy throat make it all the worse. Are you also struggling with any of these symptoms? Let us help you out. Our kitchen is a Pandora's Box of some incredible foods that may miraculously make you feel better. Dietitian Tanvee Tutlani, on her Instagram page, 'dietsmart_tanveetutlani', suggested some home remedies...