Tag: healthy stomach

5 Things That You May Consume On Empty Stomach

5 Things That You May Consume On Empty Stomach

[ad_1] We all aspire to kickstart our day on a healthy note but let's face it, we sometimes stumble into pitfalls without realizing it. The classic wakeup call involves a comforting cup of coffee or tea, and hey, there's nothing wrong with that. But have you ever noticed that certain empty stomach indulgences can lead to unwelcome guests like gas, acidity, or that fiery sensation in your belly?These signals are telling us something important: steer clear of certain foods on an empty stomach to dodge these discomforts. If you find yourself inadvertently part of the "morning mishaps" club, fear not! This article is tailor-made for you. We've compiled a list of morning-friendly delights that won't leave you feeling like you've made a pact with the digestive devil. So, without further ado, l...