Tag: healthy gajar ka halwa

Is Gajar Ka Halwa Healthy? We Bet You Want To Know Before Digging Into It

Is Gajar Ka Halwa Healthy? We Bet You Want To Know Before Digging Into It

[ad_1] If we ask you what the Indian culinary gem is that warms both the heart and palate in winter, it's undoubtedly Gajar Ka Halwa. This age-old Indian dessert, made from carrots, has become synonymous with winter festivities. Its rich aroma and comforting sweetness make it a staple on many winter tables, blending tradition with the cosiness of the season. However, as we savour its delightful taste, it's only natural to wonder: Is Gajar Ka Halwa as wholesome as it is delicious? The luscious texture, sweet flavour, and enticing aroma are impossible to resist. Our heart wants to grab it, but our mind says otherwise. Only if we know what we are eating is not bad for our health.What is Gajar Ka Halwa made of?Gajar Ka Halwa, also known as carrot halwa, is crafted from grated carrots, slow-c...