Tag: health problems

What Flies Do to Your Food Will Make You Reconsider That Outdoor Snack

What Flies Do to Your Food Will Make You Reconsider That Outdoor Snack

[ad_1] Whether you're enjoying a picnic or a meal at home, the presence of a housefly near you and your food can disrupt your dining experience. Houseflies often circle and attempt to land on your food, posing a risk as they are carriers of pathogens linked to severe and life-threatening diseases like typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, and tuberculosis, according to the US National Institute of Health. While many people relish chaats and street food from curbside stands and stalls, it's strongly advised to avoid consuming such contaminated food when flies are present, as it can jeopardize your health. Photo Credit: iStockHere's Why You Should Never Eat Food Touched By Flies House flies regularly feed on faeces and other decomposing organic materials. During their feeding process, pathoge...
Did You Know? Breakfast Cereal Was Invented For Adults To Cure ‘Sexual Problems’

Did You Know? Breakfast Cereal Was Invented For Adults To Cure ‘Sexual Problems’

[ad_1] One of the most popular breakfast foods consumed all over the world, especially in the US, is breakfast cereal. These come in attractive cardboard boxes in various sizes, offering a wide variety of grains in different forms, shapes, flavours, and colours. But have you ever wondered about their origin? Digging deep into history, we found that there lies some serious history behind this simple, go-to breakfast option. Curious? Keep reading, and you will be surprised to know the reason for the invention of the cereal.Cereals Were Invented as a Cure For Those With IllnessesBreakfast cereal was first developed by a doctor and health reformer named James Caleb Jackson in 1863. Dr. Jackson ran a sanatorium in upstate New York, a type of hospital where patients who need a long period of t...