Tag: health effects of sugar

Craving Sugar? Try These 5 Simple Steps To Curb Your Sweet Tooth

Craving Sugar? Try These 5 Simple Steps To Curb Your Sweet Tooth

[ad_1] Creamy ras malai, melt-in-mouth ladoos, or fluffy cakes, just reading about them made you salivate, right? When it comes to sugar, we find ourselves in a tough position to say no to. But this has a scientific reason behind it. Carbohydrates stimulate the release of the feel-good brain chemical called serotonin, and sugar belongs to this category. This is why we find it hard to resist it. But carbs can be consumed in other forms too, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. We know it is hard to make yourself leave a piece of tasty Sandesh for a piece of fruit. However, in the long run, sugar can have adverse effects on your body.Also Read: Sugar Not Sweet For Skin: 5 Side-Effects Of Sugar You Should KnowIn fact, did you know that according to a research study published in the J...