Tag: headache

Migraine Relief Starts Here: 5 Foods You Should Never Touch

Migraine Relief Starts Here: 5 Foods You Should Never Touch

[ad_1] If you experience migraine attacks, you must be aware of how unpleasant they can be. Migraines involve episodes of severe head pain along with dizziness, nausea, and sensitivity to sound and light. As of now, there is no cure for this, but you can reduce their frequency to some extent by monitoring what you eat. That's right! Not many people know this, but food can significantly affect your migraine pain and attacks. While it still depends on your body, tracking your migraine episodes is important if you want to avoid triggers from your diet. Intrigued? Read on to learn which foods to avoid that can trigger migraines.Also Read: The Dreadful Migraine and Why It Is More Common Among WomenCaffeine can trigger your migraines.Photo Credit: iStockHere Are 5 Foods to Avoid That Can Trigg...
Why Does Red Wine Cause Headaches? Tips For Enjoying Wine Without Fear

Why Does Red Wine Cause Headaches? Tips For Enjoying Wine Without Fear

[ad_1] Ever wondered why that glass of red wine sometimes brings more than just a buzz? Many of you may have experienced a headache after a heavy night of red wine. A recent investigation conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis, delves into the perplexing phenomenon of wine-induced headaches, experienced even by those who remain headache-free with other alcoholic beverages. The study, published in Scientific Reports, suggests that a naturally occurring flavonol in red wines, known as quercetin, may disrupt alcohol metabolism, paving the way for throbbing headaches.Also Read: Hangover Got You Down? Try These 6 Home Remedies for Quick ReliefWhat is Quercetin?Quercetin, a flavonol ubiquitous in various fruits and vegetables, including grapes, is celebrated for its an...
Struggling With Frequent Headaches? These 5 Soothing Drinks May Help

Struggling With Frequent Headaches? These 5 Soothing Drinks May Help

[ad_1] We can all agree that headaches can be quite unnerving. They come in a variety of forms, such as tension-type, sinus, migraine, hypnic, and exertional headaches. And many different things can trigger such headaches, including stress, lifestyle changes, loud noises, or change in the weather. Whenever our head throbs, we usually look for quick solutions such as popping a pill or applying a pain-relieving balm. While these pain-relievers may help in providing instant relief, they can have several side effects on your body. So, if you're looking for ways to cure your headache naturally, you're at the right place. Here are some soothing drinks that may help in providing relief from a headache.Also read: 10 Types of Headaches We Must All Know AboutHow To Get Rid Of Headaches Naturally? ...