Tag: harvard diet

What Is Harvard Diet And How It May Help You Live Longer? All You Need To Know

What Is Harvard Diet And How It May Help You Live Longer? All You Need To Know

[ad_1] The increased awareness about healthy lifestyles has prompted people to adopt new eating habits and diets. From Mediterranean and veganism to paleo and ketogenic, several types of diets have emerged lately with each one of them having different benefits. Some diets are said to be effective in losing weight while others are beneficial for improving physical performance. Recently, one such diet called the “Harvard Diet” has come to light which is being linked to a longer life. No, it would not make you immortal but may keep you away from factors that work against your health.Also read: Looking For A Healthier Diet? Try Mediterranean - The Best Diet For Healthy Eating 2023According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the Harvard Diet or Harvard's Healthy Eating Plate is bas...