Tag: hangover

Why Does Red Wine Cause Headaches? Tips For Enjoying Wine Without Fear

Why Does Red Wine Cause Headaches? Tips For Enjoying Wine Without Fear

[ad_1] Ever wondered why that glass of red wine sometimes brings more than just a buzz? Many of you may have experienced a headache after a heavy night of red wine. A recent investigation conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis, delves into the perplexing phenomenon of wine-induced headaches, experienced even by those who remain headache-free with other alcoholic beverages. The study, published in Scientific Reports, suggests that a naturally occurring flavonol in red wines, known as quercetin, may disrupt alcohol metabolism, paving the way for throbbing headaches.Also Read: Hangover Got You Down? Try These 6 Home Remedies for Quick ReliefWhat is Quercetin?Quercetin, a flavonol ubiquitous in various fruits and vegetables, including grapes, is celebrated for its an...
Should You Trust Your Coffee To Battle Hangovers? Here’s What You Need To Know

Should You Trust Your Coffee To Battle Hangovers? Here’s What You Need To Know

[ad_1] Woke up with a bad headache and nausea? Did you party hard last night? We get it - your best night just turned into the worst nightmare: the dreadful hangover! Hangovers can be a real buzzkill, but unfortunately, you don't have the luxury to rest for the whole day to gather back the lost energy. What do you do then? Let us guess: you reach out for a strong cup of coffee as a quick hangover cure, right? While on a normal day, it is absolutely okay to start the morning with a kick of caffeine, but here's the deal - your hot brew might not be that helpful to wash off the effects of a hangover. Let us elucidate further.Also Read: 7 Smart Uses of Coffee Beyond Brewing Your Morning CuppaPhoto Credit: iStockWhy Isn't Coffee a Good Hangover Cure?After a night of indulgence, alcohol leaves...
Hangover Got You Down? Try These 6 Home Remedies for Quick Relief

Hangover Got You Down? Try These 6 Home Remedies for Quick Relief

[ad_1] Waking up after a night of indulgence with head pounding, stomach churning, and feeling like a wreck - we realise that it's the dreadful hangover. Hangovers can be a real buzzkill, leaving us with regret and looking for ways to restore our energy. While prevention is the best approach, sometimes we get carried away and drink one too many. Fear not! Nature has provided us with some effective remedies that can help ease those hangover symptoms and get you back on your feet. These simple home remedies are bound to make you feel better.Also Read: Post-Party Hangover? Cure It With This Expert-Recommended Meal PlanHere Are 6 Home Remedies To Relieve Hangover:1. Hydration Is Important:To cure a hangover, hydration is most important. Alcohol dehydrates your body, leading to headaches and ...
How To Get Rid Of An After-Party Hangover – Easy Tips

How To Get Rid Of An After-Party Hangover – Easy Tips

[ad_1] The past few days have been incredible. We did it all, from eating delicious food to indulging in interesting cocktails. Even though the celebrations bring joy and a much-needed break, they also bring a hangover the following day. We understand how you feel. From Dehydration and fatigue to nausea, headaches, sensitivity to light and more, hangovers cause a slew of regrettable symptoms the next day! If you're dealing with the aftereffects of the New Year's party, we're here to help! We've compiled a list of simple remedies for hangovers. Whether you believe it or not, following these tips can actually help detox the body as well as cure hangover. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started with these tips.Also Read: 7 Best Detox Water Recipes | Easy Detox RecipesHere're Some Ea...