Tag: gut health and digestion

Beyond Yogurt: Discover 5 Desi Superfoods To Support Your Gut Health

Beyond Yogurt: Discover 5 Desi Superfoods To Support Your Gut Health

[ad_1] Do you often feel bloated and acidic after a meal? Then this could be a possible sign of an unhealthy gut. These days, a generous part of our diet is dominated by foods high in sugar and fat content, which can take a toll on our digestive system. Luckily, there are several foods that can help reverse the condition. For most people, a bowl of your refreshing yogurt becomes their best friend during such times of discomfort. It helps us cool down from within, and the probiotics present in it prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. However, did you know there are several other foods that can support your gut? Let's look beyond yogurt and discover some desi options below:Also Read: Gut Health: Celeb Nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary Suggests Diet Changes For Reducing Gut InflammationHere Ar...
Is Summer Hard On Your Gut? This Nutritionist-Approved Tea Comes To The Rescue

Is Summer Hard On Your Gut? This Nutritionist-Approved Tea Comes To The Rescue

[ad_1] Just when you thought you could beat the heat by switching on ACs and coolers, your tummy starts acting up. And let's agree, sitting in the toilet for hours is the last thing anyone would want to do in this scorching summer season. It gets even worse when you try too hard to relieve yourself but fail! You are not alone, we all have been through the experience. Summer season has several side-effects, gut troubles being one of the major concerns for all. This is why, you would see our parents at home and the health experts stressing on eating cooling foods to keep health troubles at bay. Luckily, there are many dietary options around us to pick from and we recently got hold of one such recipe that may help promote gut-health. It's a special concoction of two common kitchen spices - ...
What Is Winter Melon? What Does It Taste Like? Health Benefits Of Winter Melon

What Is Winter Melon? What Does It Taste Like? Health Benefits Of Winter Melon

[ad_1] Winter melon, or safed petha, is a nutritious vegetable mainly native to India, China and other regions of Southeast Asia. You will find winter melon (also known as ash gourd) in various Indian and Chinese delicacies, from stews and salads to even curries. In other words, there is no limit to the ways you can have this humble veggie. But what does winter melon taste like? It is both delicious and healthy and has a neutral taste like cucumber when it is young. However, the sweetness fades a little when it is matured but still remains juicy and crispy. Did you know ash gourd is composed of water that constitutes almost 96 percent?! What's even more interesting is that it's packed with countless health benefits. It's believed that ash gourd has nutritional and medicinal properties. I...