Tag: greens

5 Foods You Must Eat For A Longer, Healthier Life – Blue Zones Expert Reveals

5 Foods You Must Eat For A Longer, Healthier Life – Blue Zones Expert Reveals

[ad_1] If you want to live a healthy life, you need to start paying attention to the food you put in your body. Only 25% of our longevity is determined by our genes. The rest depends on our diet, lifestyle and environment, according to the health science company, Zoe, which is running the largest in-depth nutrition study in the world. In a recent Zoe podcast, Blue Zones expert and author Dan Buettner talked about what we should all be eating to live a longer, healthier life.Dan Buettner has spent over two decades studying five unique communities around the world (the Blue Zones) where people live long and healthy lives -- Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. Within these Blue Zones, several food groups consistently show up, cont...