Tag: granite discovery

Granite found on the moon! Water too?

Granite found on the moon! Water too?

[ad_1] Scientists are working to study the moon and its environment to have a greater understanding of how it formed, what it was previously like, and what it consists of. And now, scientists have found huge traces of granite under Compton-Belkovich volcanic complex. The traces indicate that the area glowed with volcanic activity billions of years ago. Now, there is speculation that water too may have been there.As per Space.com. around 3.5 billion years ago, cooling magma fired eruptions of lunar volcanoes that formed this feature. Although the discovery was not a surprise as it was already suspected by scientists. They know that this part of the area once had an ancient complex of volcanoes. About the granite discoveryUsing data collected by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, a grou...