Tag: Google’s AI Chatbot

What makes Google Bard special? Know its unique features

What makes Google Bard special? Know its unique features

[ad_1] We are now entering the age where artificial intelligence will contribute to enter various industries and fields. Earlier, we were made aware of automation and the power of AI technology and now we are experiencing it and there is still huge scope to reach its full potential.Tech giants and AI enthusiasts are constantly experimenting and bringing new AI technologies and tools to the market. One such tool is Google's AI chatbot, Bard. Bard is an AI chatbot that uses natural language processing and machine learning to generate human-like conversations. Google's AI chatbot is still in the development stage, however, it is offering various unique features that set it apart from the rest of the AI chatbots and for a few reasons it is being called the king of the AI universe. Google's ...
Google’s AI Chatbot is trained by Humans who say they’re overworked, underpaid and frustrated

Google’s AI Chatbot is trained by Humans who say they’re overworked, underpaid and frustrated

[ad_1] Google's Bard artificial intelligence chatbot will answer a question about how many pandas live in zoos quickly, and with a surfeit of confidence.Ensuring that the response is well-sourced and based on evidence, however, falls to thousands of outside contractors from companies including Appen Ltd. and Accenture Plc, who can make as little as $14 an hour and labor with minimal training under frenzied deadlines, according to several contractors, who declined to be named for fear of losing their jobs. The contractors are the invisible backend of the generative AI boom that's hyped to change everything. Chatbots like Bard use computer intelligence to respond almost instantly to a range of queries spanning all of human knowledge and creativity. But to improve those responses so they c...