Tag: google product improvement strategies

CEO Sundar Pichai tells what is important for AI chatbots to be successful amid Google Gemini criticisms

CEO Sundar Pichai tells what is important for AI chatbots to be successful amid Google Gemini criticisms

[ad_1]  In a recent address at the 2024 Business, Government & Society Forum, Google CEO Sundar Pichai delved into the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the tech giant's products. Specifically, he addressed the critique Google faced regarding the responses of its Gemini AI chatbot. Pichai emphasised that the high expectations set by users act as a catalyst for Google's continuous efforts to enhance its products.Responding to inquiries about Google's approach to handling such criticisms, Pichai underscored the company's commitment to incorporating a diverse array of viewpoints from its global user base, reflecting the plurality of opinions found on the internet, Times of India reported. Also read: WhatsApp to introduce status notifications feature soon: Here's how it will work ...