Tag: Google Maps color changes

Google Maps color palette now available for Android Auto; check what changed

Google Maps color palette now available for Android Auto; check what changed

[ad_1] Google Maps has become the most essential app to travel anywhere within any city, state, or for that matter, any country these days. Whether you have to travel to far routes or you have to check the routes with heavy traffic, Google Maps is perfect to move freely on roads. Now, Google Maps has introduced a significant visual update. Google Maps color palette has been revamped and it is now available on Android Auto as well. Know what has been changed in your on-road go-to partner so that you can benefit from it:Google Maps color palette revampedAccording to a report by 9To5 Google, the recent update in Google Maps replaces the traditional warm colors with a colder palette. Google Maps color palette now has a mint shade for parks and forests and transitioned roads to a sleek gray....