Tag: Google Chrome spyware

Shocking! Google reveals spyware hitting Chrome, Firefox, and Windows Defender

Shocking! Google reveals spyware hitting Chrome, Firefox, and Windows Defender

[ad_1] Google reported that Heliconia exploitation frameworks are capable of deploying spyware on Chrome, Microsoft, and Mozilla. Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has been a constant tracker of commercial spyware for many years. Now, TAG has reported that Variston IT, a company in Barcelona has sold spyware exploiting Chrome, Firefox, and Windows Defender vulnerabilities. Google explains that this commercial spyware puts advanced surveillance capabilities in the hands of governments who use them to spy on journalists, human rights activists, political opposition, and dissidents.These vulnerabilities were flagged as zero-days in the wild, but these were fixed by Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla in 2021 and early 2022. It explained that its Heliconia framework exploits n-day vulnerabili...