Tag: Google ChatGPT

ChatGPT Threat Makes Health-Care Jobs More Promising Than Finance, Tech

ChatGPT Threat Makes Health-Care Jobs More Promising Than Finance, Tech

[ad_1] Parents of today's kindergarteners should think about prodding them toward a career in the medical field.Those are the findings of the latest MLIV Pulse survey with 678 respondents. Nearly 40% said that children currently in elementary school will be best off with a job in health care if they want to avoid being displaced by artificial intelligence. Jobs in the medical fields often involve much more human-to-human interaction, which for now seem hard to replace with generative AI programs like ChatGPT. Demographic trends may also be supporting the idea that becoming a doctor or a nurse will be a wiser choice for the youngest generation: Economists forecast massive demand for health-care workers as the population ages in the US and around the world. Investors have a different reco...
Google CEO Warns Against Rush to Deploy AI Without Oversight

Google CEO Warns Against Rush to Deploy AI Without Oversight

[ad_1] Alphabet Inc. and Google Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai said in an interview broadcast Sunday that the push to adopt artificial intelligence technology must be well-regulated to avoid potential harmful effects.Asked in a 60 Minutes interview about what keeps him up at night with regard to AI, Pichai said “The urgency to work and deploy it in a beneficial way, but at the same time it can be very harmful if deployed wrongly.” Mountain View, California-based Google has been among the leaders in developing and implementing AI across its services. Software like Google Lens and Google Photos rely on the company's image-recognition systems, while its Google Assistant benefits from natural language processing research that Google has been doing for years. Still, its pace of deploy...
Google’s Monopoly DELAYED Innovations Like ChatGPT, DOJ Says

Google’s Monopoly DELAYED Innovations Like ChatGPT, DOJ Says

[ad_1] ChatGPT and other technology innovations may have been released years ago if Google hadn't monopolized the search market, the Justice Department told a federal court Thursday.Days after Microsoft Corp. announced that it would incorporate OpenAI's AI-powered chat technology into its Bing search engine, Alphabet Inc.'s Google said it would release its own conversational AI product, said Kenneth Dintzer, the Justice Department's lead lawyer in its antitrust case against the search giant. That “shows what real competition will do,” Dintzer told Judge Amit Mehta. “What has been going on for the past 12 years is Google has been maintaining its monopoly. Would we have seen ChatGPT six years earlier? Would we see five other competitors competing for search? Those are questions none of us...
ChatGPT sparks AI ‘gold rush’ in Silicon Valley

ChatGPT sparks AI ‘gold rush’ in Silicon Valley

[ad_1] ChatGPT, Silicon Valley's latest app sensation, has investors rushing to find the next big thing in generative AI, the technology that some hail as the beginning of a new era in big tech.Artificial intelligence (AI) has been increasingly present in everyday life for decades, but the November launch of the conversational robot from start-up OpenAI marked a turning point in its perception by the general public and investors. "Every so often we have platforms that come along and result in an explosion of new companies. We saw this with the internet and mobile, and AI could be the next platform." said Shernaz Daver of California-based Khosla Ventures. Generative AI, of which ChatGPT is an example, wades through oceans of data to conjure up original content - an image, a poem, a thou...
ChatGPT threat to Google is more about ad income than being No. 1 search engine

ChatGPT threat to Google is more about ad income than being No. 1 search engine

[ad_1] Google's dominance as the most visited website has been undisputed since it rose to prominence as the leading search engine in the early 2000s. However, that position could now be facing its biggest ever threat, with the arrival of new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots such as ChatGPT, which can answer people's questions online. Google is countering by developing its own AI products. But its chatbot, Bard, didn't have the most auspicious start. This month, a Google advert showed that Bard had provided an inaccurate answer to a question about the James Webb space telescope. Plus, being the most popular website in the world comes with much more than prestige, namely incredible wealth from advertising revenue. But recent, sudden shifts in the technology landscape have cr...
Google Will Join the AI Wars, Pitting LaMDA Against ChatGPT

Google Will Join the AI Wars, Pitting LaMDA Against ChatGPT

[ad_1] Of the world's large tech firms, Alphabet Inc. may be caught most deeply in the innovator's dilemma. The classic theory from Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen says large companies struggle to innovate because they fear hurting an established business. Alphabet has been in that bind for the last few months, coming under tremendous pressure to respond to ChatGPT, the OpenAI tool that could reinvent internet searching with its remarkable conversational answers to any question. But Google has to be cautious: its $150 billion search business makes money every time we click on ads and links; single, synthesized answers to queries could draw those clicks away.Now Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai has decided he has little choice but to take that risk. On Thursday, as Picha...