Tag: google calendar android 8 support

Alert! Google Calendar may drop support for Android Nougat and older versions soon

Alert! Google Calendar may drop support for Android Nougat and older versions soon

[ad_1] If you cherish the longevity of Google Calendar on your Android device, here is a heads-up: Google may bid farewell to devices not running Android 8 or newer. Android Nougat 7.1's 2016 release, which makes it seven years old, and its users are likely to suffer the consequences. Google looks to be tightening its support criteria. Recent findings by TheSpAndroid indicate code and an image in the latest Google Calendar release, signalling a potential end to support for older Android versions.In the latest Calendar update (v 2023.46.0-581792699-release), TheSpAndroid discovered a new flag, "UnsupportedOperatingSystem__enabled." Activating this flag prompts a message urging users to upgrade to Android Oreo (8.0) or a newer version for continued app functionality, hinting at a possible...