Tag: Google bard transcription

5 unique use cases for Google Bard; Know how to unleash the true power of this AI chatbot

5 unique use cases for Google Bard; Know how to unleash the true power of this AI chatbot

[ad_1] This is the age of generative artificial intelligence, and hence, it is important to know how to use AI tools, and in particular AI chatbots, to their fullest potential. However, most of us end up using them to either have idle conversations, ask generic queries, or make it write content. But when it comes to truly powerful AI chatbots like Google Bard, that is merely scratching the surface. If you want to know the full extent of things you can do through it, and the right prompts to effectively get the information, you need to know these 5 unique use cases of Google Bard.Unique use cases of Google Bard1. Looking for the best deals online: One unique use case of Google Bard is that it can act as a shopping assistant for you. If you want to buy a product but do not want to visit 2...