Tag: google antitrust

Google struck a secret deal with Spotify to let it avoid paying any Play Store fees

Google struck a secret deal with Spotify to let it avoid paying any Play Store fees

[ad_1] The Google antitrust trial, to determine whether or not the company's Android marketplace, Google Play Store, has put in place monopolistic policies to keep competition out and impact any app's distribution that does not want to be placed in its marketplace due to its high commission fee, is still ongoing. On its ninth day, when Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney also gave his testimony, Google's own representatives also made a shocking revelation where it was found that Spotify gets preferential treatment from Google and does not pay any commission fee for the transactions that take place directly on the platform's end.As per a report by The Verge, Google's head of global partnerships Don Harrison revealed the shocking information and said Spotify pays “zero percent if they process thei...
10 things to know from Epic CEO Tim Sweeney’s testimony at the Google antitrust trial

10 things to know from Epic CEO Tim Sweeney’s testimony at the Google antitrust trial

[ad_1] The Google antitrust lawsuit, based on filings by Fortnite publisher Epic Games has completed nine days, and in this time we have seen some big revelations being made. Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed that the company pays Apple up to 18 billion dollars a year for the default iPhone search position, and Google's partnerships boss Don Harrison said that Spotify pays zero percent when users decide to use Spotify's payment system, and between 6 to 10 percent when it is made through Google's channels. On day nine, Epic CEO Tim Sweeney was sworn in for testimony. These were the ten big revelations to come from it. Epic CEO Tim Sweeney testifies in Google antitrust lawsuit1. Highlighting his background, Sweeney says, “I built the very first version of the Unreal Engine myself between ...
Six Documents That Explain DOJ’s Antitrust Case Against Google

Six Documents That Explain DOJ’s Antitrust Case Against Google

[ad_1] The most damning evidence in the US antitrust trial against Alphabet Inc.'s Google that concluded in Washington this week came not from the parade of witnesses from Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp. and other companies, but from internal documents.During the 10-week trial, the Justice Department used emails, slides and other records to illustrate how Google's lavish payments to other companies ensured its search engine became the preselected option almost everywhere people access the internet.  Antitrust enforcers allege that Google illegally maintained a monopoly over search, where it controls nearly 90% of online queries, through those payments to smartphone makers, web browsers and wireless carriers. That dominance allowed Google to raise prices on advertisers without consequences, ...
10 things to know from Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s testimony in Google Play trial against Fortnite maker

10 things to know from Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s testimony in Google Play trial against Fortnite maker

[ad_1] Google CEO Sundar Pichai took a stand in front of the court for the second time in 2 weeks earlier today in the antitrust lawsuit by Fortnite publisher Epic Games, who have claimed that the unlawful and monopolistic policies implemented in Google Play store make it difficult for third-party app makers given that the marketplace controls the entire Android ecosystem. During the testimony, Pichai spent almost 90 minutes answering questions about the business practices of the Google Play store, as well as general policies in Google. Let us take a look at the 10 biggest things to come from the testimony.Sundar Pichai takes the stand in Google Play antitrust trial1. Pichai admitted to using fake legal privilege by marking documents ‘attorney-client privilege' even when he was not seek...
Surprise! iPhone 8 leads in Google list of top 10 revenue generating search queries

Surprise! iPhone 8 leads in Google list of top 10 revenue generating search queries

[ad_1] Google is now facing the US antitrust trial and various things about the most popular search engine have been revealed during the process. Now, a new list of search queries from 2018 has been made public which gives people a glimpse of how Google makes money through trending searches or advertisers. Google does not make money for each search query, however, “iPhone” seems to be one such topic which generates the company a huge amount of money with the iPhone 8 ranking at the top in the year 2018. Know what the report reveals about Google search queries.Google search queries listAccording to a report by The Verge, Google's search query list from September 22, 2018, was made public which generated huge amounts of money for the company through ads. The list was shared after Judge Am...
Google’s Pichai Defends Search Dominance as Rivals Circle

Google’s Pichai Defends Search Dominance as Rivals Circle

[ad_1] Alphabet Inc.'s Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai sought to portray Google's position as the dominant internet search engine as constantly challenged by the whims of rivals such as Apple Inc., as he took the witness stand Monday to defend his company against the US government's antitrust charges. The Justice Department argues that by paying as much as $26 billion in 2021 to be the default on mobile phones, PCs and other devices, Google has unfairly choked off potential competitors such as Microsoft Corp. and DuckDuckGo. Even Apple has opted not to create its own search engine or give priority to other options because of the lucrative, multibillion-dollar deal it has with Google, the government has argued. G Despite having about 90% of the market for search, Google has tried t...
Google CEO gets grilling in US antitrust trial

Google CEO gets grilling in US antitrust trial

[ad_1] Google CEO Sundar Pichai faced a fierce grilling from a US antitrust lawyer on Monday as he pushed back against accusations that his company acted illegally to preserve the dominance of its world-leading search engine.At the heart of the case by the US Department of Justice is Google's massive revenue sharing deals in which iPhone maker Apple takes a big cut of Google ad revenue made from being the default search engine on Apple devices. Testimony has revealed that Google last year alone paid out a $26 billion to remain the default search engine on various smartphones and browsers, most of which went to Apple. Pichai began his testimony in the Washington courtroom by repeating the company's mission of making information "universally accessible and useful" to all."The mission is m...
Google CEO Sundar Pichai to testify Monday in US Google antitrust trial

Google CEO Sundar Pichai to testify Monday in US Google antitrust trial

[ad_1] Sundar Pichai, chief executive of Alphabet and its subsidiary Google, will testify on Monday in the once-in-a-generation antitrust fight over Google's dominance of search and some parts of search advertising.THE TAKE Pichai, who is being called as a witness for Google, will likely be asked about the company's investments aimed at keeping its search competitive, especially as smartphones took over, and innovation in search advertising. The government, in cross-examination, may ask why the company pays billions of dollars annually to ensure that Google search is the default in smartphones. CONTEXTThe government has argued that Google, which has some 90% of the search market, illegally paid an estimated $10 billion annually to smartphone makers like Apple and wireless carriers like ...
DOJ Google Antitrust Case Wraps With Apple Deal on Center Stage

DOJ Google Antitrust Case Wraps With Apple Deal on Center Stage

[ad_1] Google pays as much as $10 billion per year to ensure that users access the internet through its search engine — payments that have blocked startups and fellow tech giants Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp. from competing, according to the US Justice Department.This week, federal enforcers will rest their antitrust case against Alphabet Inc.'s search engine, the biggest tech monopoly case since Microsoft in the 1990s. The move marks the halfway point in the 10-week trial, after which Google gets to present a defense against the allegations and perhaps explain why it pays rivals to use the search technology it argues is simply superior. Judge Amit Mehta isn't expected to issue a decision until next year, though any resolution to the case is expected to drag out for years with appeals ...
Five things we learned at the US Google antitrust trial

Five things we learned at the US Google antitrust trial

[ad_1] US government lawyers rested their case on Tuesday in the landmark antitrust trial against Google after five weeks of testimony that saw some of big tech's most senior executives take the stand.At the heart of the case is Google's search engine and whether the company has acted illegally to preserve its overwhelming dominance. Here are five things we have learned so far at the trial: - Apple makes billions on Google -Apple's intricate relationship with Google was the trial's main source of intrigue, as the US government contends that it is by paying billions of dollars to the iPhone maker every year that Google is able to maintain its monopoly.Exactly how much has yet to be made public, but according to some estimates mentioned in evidence, every year Google pays a total of ten b...