Tag: ginger recipes

Ginger For Immunity: 6 Ways To Eat More Ginger Every Day

Ginger For Immunity: 6 Ways To Eat More Ginger Every Day

[ad_1] Immunity is one of our key concerns, especially during the time of weather change. As the temperature changes significantly, our immune health can be compromised leading to chest infection, sore throat, cold, cough and flu-like diseases. Luckily, immunity can be boosted naturally with the help of simple ingredients found in our kitchen! Take ginger for instance - it can be an effective ingredient to keep infections at bay. It has been known for its healing properties since times immemorial, and there are so many ways we can add it to our diet for maximum benefits.  Is Ginger Good For Immunity? According to the book 'Healing Foods' by DK, "The volatile oils found in ginger have anti-inflammatory properties similar to those of  NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which m...
Winter Diet: 7 Ginger-Based Recipes To Boost Immunity This Winter

Winter Diet: 7 Ginger-Based Recipes To Boost Immunity This Winter

[ad_1] Just like any other season, the winter season comes with a host of infections and health issues too. We face a range of diseases like cold, cough, sore throat, fever and more. To combat it, health experts suggest altering our diet and including more foods that help boost immunity. When it comes to natural immunity boosters, ginger is the first food that comes to mind. Ginger has numerous medicinal properties and health benefits. It helps improve digestion, reduce inflammation and nausea, and keeps throat infections at bay. According to the book 'Healing Foods', ginger contains active compounds that can help with morning sickness and nausea. With so many benefits to ginger, we've compiled a list of ginger-based recipes to add to your winter diet. These recipes may assist you in fig...