Tag: Geoffrey Hinton

On AI Appreciation Day, know what Oppenheimer actor Cilian Murphy said about AI

On AI Appreciation Day, know what Oppenheimer actor Cilian Murphy said about AI

[ad_1] Today is AI Appreciation Day. The occasion celebrates the advancements and impact of artificial intelligence across human endavour throughout the world. However, many influential figures are saying that AI poses too big a risk to humanity and that all work on it should be stopped. The latest to warn about the risks is Oppenheimer actor Cilian Murphy. He has joined the likes of Elon Musk, and Geoffrey Hinton in warning against rampant use of AI.Actor Murphy, known for his iconic roles in various movies, believes that we should be cautious when it comes to using AI and other technologies. He considers the film called "Oppenheimer" as a cautionary tale about the excessive use of AI. Murphy thinks that the way people talk about AI nowadays, comparing it to the splitting of the atom, ...
Alan Turing awardee Yann LeCun says fears of AI threatening humanity are “preposterously ridiculous”

Alan Turing awardee Yann LeCun says fears of AI threatening humanity are “preposterously ridiculous”

[ad_1] The debate around the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) is at an all-time high as the European Union passed the AI Regulation bill on Wednesday. For months, many prominent people like Elon Musk and Sam Altman as well as two of the three Godfathers of AI, Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, have been protesting the unprecedented rise of AI and have called for government regulation in space raising concerns of a superintelligent AI causing the extinction of humanity. However, the third Godfather of AI, Yann LeCun, has shunned these fears and has called them “preposterously ridiculous”.Professor LeCun also won the Alan Turing Award in 2018 along with Hinton and Bengio, and they are collectively regarded as the Godfathers of AI. However, LeCun has a different opinion on AI th...
Artificial intelligence raises risk of extinction, experts say in new warning

Artificial intelligence raises risk of extinction, experts say in new warning

[ad_1] Scientists and tech industry leaders, including high-level executives at Microsoft and Google, issued a new warning Tuesday about the perils that artificial intelligence poses to humankind.“Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war,” the statement said. Sam Altman, CEO of ChatGPT maker OpenAI, and Geoffrey Hinton, a computer scientist known as the godfather of artificial intelligence, were among the hundreds of leading figures who signed the statement, which was posted on the Center for AI Safety's website. Worries about artificial intelligence systems outsmarting humans and running wild have intensified with the rise of a new generation of highly capable AI chatbots such as ChatGPT...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: AI can cause human extinction, Odisha AI initiative, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: AI can cause human extinction, Odisha AI initiative, more

[ad_1] Nvidia has been making big moves in the last few weeks. Reports have suggested that the company, which is riding the AI wave, will soon breach the $1 trillion valuation mark. The rise of valuation has increased ever since it announced its new AI supercomputer DGX GH200. On the other hand, a new statement, co-signed by leading AI researchers and CEOs, has been issued which warns people that the unchecked rise of AI can lead to the extinction of humanity. In a separate report, Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik has launched two new AI initiatives in the state. Let us take a closer look.Top researchers give AI warningA statement has been published by a San Francisco-based non-profit, the Center for AI Safety, which has been co-signed by a number of leading AI researchers and influential CEOs ...
Killing machines! Legendary Apple cofounder says AI in Elon Musk’s Tesla cars can KILL people

Killing machines! Legendary Apple cofounder says AI in Elon Musk’s Tesla cars can KILL people

[ad_1] Elon Musk-led Tesla is going through a rough period. Yesterday, May 12, safety regulators in China ordered the EV maker to recall 1.1 million vehicles due to an issue in its regenerative braking system. Earlier, questions were raised on its full-self-driving system after Tesla was forced to recall 363000 cars after US safety regulators found that the car did not follow speed limits around intersections. To make matters worse, in a recent interview, Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak criticized Tesla's AI technology and said that it can potentially kill people. Wozniak famously cofounded Apple along with the celebrated Steve Jobs.From Friend To Foe?In an interview with CNN, Wozniak said that he was an admirer of Elon Musk for the role he played in pushing consumers towards electric veh...
Apocalypse? ‘Oracle of Omaha’ Warren Buffett compares AI with atom bomb creation

Apocalypse? ‘Oracle of Omaha’ Warren Buffett compares AI with atom bomb creation

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence has been a theoretical concept for a long time for people until the rise in popularity of AI tools such as OpenAI's ChatGPT. Since the beginning of this year, AI has been a hot topic with analysts and influential business figures weighing in on the same. With the emergence of ChatGPT, Dall-E, Bard, and many more such tools, AI has come into applicability for most people in day-to-day life. However, there is growing apprehensions about AI chatbots' potential misuse and also that it will lead to the loss of millions of jobs. Many tech entrepreneurs like Tesla chief Elon Musk and AI experts like 'Godfather of AI' Geoffrey Hinton have raised concerns about AI, and now billionaire investor Warren Buffett has voiced his worries about the surge of artificial inte...
AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton says its threat to world may be ‘more urgent’ than climate change

AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton says its threat to world may be ‘more urgent’ than climate change

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence could pose a "more urgent" threat to humanity than climate change, AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton told Reuters in an interview on Friday.Geoffrey Hinton, widely known as one of the "godfathers of AI", recently announced he had quit Alphabet after a decade at the firm, saying he wanted to speak out on the risks of the technology without it affecting his former employer. Hinton's work is considered essential to the development of contemporary AI systems. In 1986, he co-authored the seminal paper "Learning representations by back-propagating errors", a milestone in the development of the neural networks undergirding AI technology. In 2018, he was awarded the Turing Award in recognition of his research breakthroughs. But he is now among a growing number of tech le...
Tim Cook says AI potential is ‘very interesting’; can ChatGPT-like AI mode come to iPhone 15?

Tim Cook says AI potential is ‘very interesting’; can ChatGPT-like AI mode come to iPhone 15?

[ad_1] Ever since the public release of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, or AI has been all the rage. It has upended the stock markets and sent top companies in the world scrambling for answers. From tech enthusiasts to major corporate leaders have all expressed their opinions on it, be it positive or negative. Now, many companies have also begun building their own version of a generative AI chatbot or have started adopting it to their platforms. Microsoft Bing, Google Bard and Snapchat's My AI are some of the biggest adoption of the technology we have seen so far. But after the comments of Tim Cook over the potential of AI, many are now wondering whether Apple can be next to incorporate this technology into its upcoming iPhone 15.Speaking on Apple's quarterly earnings call, CEO Tim Co...
Scientists warn of AI dangers but don’t agree on solutions

Scientists warn of AI dangers but don’t agree on solutions

[ad_1] Computer scientists who helped build the foundations of today's artificial intelligence technology are warning of its dangers, but that doesn't mean they agree on what those dangers are or how to prevent them.Humanity's survival is threatened when "smart things can outsmart us,” so-called Godfather of AI Geoffrey Hinton said at a conference Wednesday at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “It may keep us around for a while to keep the power stations running,” Hinton said. “But after that, maybe not.” After retiring from Google so he could speak more freely, the 75-year-old Hinton said he's recently changed his views about the reasoning capabilities of the computer systems he's spent a lifetime researching.“These things will have learned from us, by reading all the novels t...
Legal Data Firm Makes Push to Introduce AI to Lawyers’ Work

Legal Data Firm Makes Push to Introduce AI to Lawyers’ Work

[ad_1] A leading legal research database company is making an early push to introduce generative artificial intelligence to tasks typically performed by paralegals or lawyers.LexisNexis on Thursday announced the release of Lexis AI, a platform that will use artificial intelligence to tap into the company's database of documents and records to draft documents and research case law. Some large US law firms, including Baker McKenzie, Reed Smith LLP and Foley & Lardner LLP are working with the company to provide early support for the product, the company said. The announcement comes as AI continues to disrupt industries from education to entertainment and amid growing calls to keep artificial intelligence in check. Geoffrey Hinton — the so-called godfather of AI — recently resigned from...