Tag: generative ai

SAP and Microsoft to deepen collaboration on generative AI in recruiting

SAP and Microsoft to deepen collaboration on generative AI in recruiting

[ad_1] SAP will deepen collaboration with Microsoft on joint generative AI projects in the field of personnel recruiting, the German software maker announced on Monday.SAP's SuccessFactors solutions will be integrated with Microsoft's 365 Copilot and Azure OpenAI Service to access language models and generate natural language, it added. "We're very excited about the opportunities generative AI unfolds for our industry and our customers," SAP's Chief Executive Christian Klein said. In late April, Klein said the firm would embed Microsoft-backed OpenAI's ChatGPT in its products [ad_2] Source link
National Technology Day: Generative AI is transforming businesses, says Vikram Ahuja, MD, ANSR

National Technology Day: Generative AI is transforming businesses, says Vikram Ahuja, MD, ANSR

[ad_1] The National Technology Day is a moment to reflect on the advancements in technology we have achieved in just one year. And the last year was filled with such examples. We saw major breakthroughs in blockchain technology, and web3 development, but what stole the show was AI after ChatGPT was launched publicly. And the prowess of AI is not something that anyone can deny any further. To explain the role this emerging technology is playing for businesses, Vikram Ahuja, Managing Director of ANSR and cofounder and CEO of Talent 500, offered his insights into being an entrepreneur and being hands-on with AI.On the growth of technology in the last yearThe last year was marked by significant technological advancements and changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. There have been rapi...
Death of an Author: First ‘halfway readable AI novel’, says NYT as writer takes AI where it has never been before

Death of an Author: First ‘halfway readable AI novel’, says NYT as writer takes AI where it has never been before

[ad_1] When ChatGPT was first launched to the public in November 2022, the world began asking what exactly could it do. The reactions were initially muted, but now, months down the line, there has been an incredible outpouring of opinion, most negative, some positive. However, it has definitely made everyone try and jump on the AI bandwagon.OpenAI, the creator of the generative AI chatbot, listed a range of applications for their tool, among which was writing news articles, essays, and even stories and novels. However, it soon became apparent that the chatbot was not really ready to take on creative projects as most of its stories and creative works turned out to be either generic or plain incoherent. But recently, Stephen Marche collaborated with three AI tools including ChatGPT, Sudow...
In global rush to regulate AI, Europe set to be trailblazer

In global rush to regulate AI, Europe set to be trailblazer

[ad_1] The breathtaking development of artificial intelligence has dazzled users by composing music, creating images and writing essays, while also raising fears about its implications. Even European Union officials working on groundbreaking rules to govern the emerging technology were caught off guard by AI's rapid rise.The 27-nation bloc proposed the Western world's first AI rules two years ago, focusing on reining in risky but narrowly focused applications. General purpose AI systems like chatbots were barely mentioned. Lawmakers working on the AI Act considered whether to include them but weren't sure how, or even if it was necessary. “Then ChatGPT kind of boom, exploded,” said Dragos Tudorache, a Romanian member of the European Parliament co-leading the measure. “If there was still...
IBM eyes hiring pause because AI does the job

IBM eyes hiring pause because AI does the job

[ad_1] The CEO of IBM said he was eyeing to downsize the tech giant's back office workforce by nearly a third because those jobs are being made redundant by advances in artificial intelligence.In an interview with Bloomberg on Monday, Arvind Krishna said that his company would enact a pause in hiring in those roles, and potentially reduce the payroll by 7,800 jobs over several years. "These non-customer-facing roles amount to roughly 26,000 workers," Krishna said. "I could easily see 30 percent of that getting replaced by AI and automation over a five-year period." Back office employees are only a fraction of IBM's roughly 260,000 workers, and the company has continued to hire in certain roles, even after recently letting go about 5,000 workers in other areas, the Bloomberg report said....
What is Generative AI, the technology behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT?

What is Generative AI, the technology behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT?

[ad_1] Generative artificial intelligence has become a buzzword this year, capturing the public's fancy and sparking a rush among Microsoft and Alphabet to launch products with technology they believe will change the nature of work.Here is everything you need to know about this technology. WHAT IS GENERATIVE AI? Like other forms of artificial intelligence, generative AI learns how to take actions from past data. It creates brand new content - a text, an image, even computer code - based on that training, instead of simply categorizing or identifying data like other AI.The most famous generative AI application is ChatGPT, a chatbot that Microsoft-backed OpenAI released late last year. The AI powering it is known as a large language model because it takes in a text prompt and from that w...
Google Is Rolling Out More AI Features for Customers on the Cloud

Google Is Rolling Out More AI Features for Customers on the Cloud

[ad_1] Google announced a raft of new artificial intelligence-powered features for customers of its cloud-computing business, as the technology giant jostles for dominance in the burgeoning field with rivals such as Microsoft Corp. and startup OpenAI.As Silicon Valley buzzes about so-called generative AI — software that can create images, text and video based on user prompts — Google Cloud offered a glimpse of what it's doing to keep up in the race. In a demonstration, the company showed how cloud customers will be able to use its AI tools to create presentations and sales-training documents, take notes during meetings and draft emails to colleagues. The company also made some of its underlying AI models available to developers so they can build their own applications using Google's te...
Creative AI Is Generating Some Messy Problems

Creative AI Is Generating Some Messy Problems

[ad_1] The hot new trend in tech circles comes with thorny legal and ethical challenges. A tense scene in the 2004 movie iRobot shows the character played by Will Smith arguing with an android about humanity's creative prowess. “Can a robot write a symphony?” he asks, rhetorically. “Can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?” “Can you?” the robot answers. Machines wouldn't need the snarky reply in our current reality. The answer would simply be “yes.” In the last few years, artificial-intelligence systems have shifted from being able to process content – recognizing faces or reading and transcribing text — to creating digital paintings or writing essays. The digital artist Beeple was shocked in August when several Twitter users generated their own versions of one o...