Tag: generative AI startups

5 things about AI you may have missed today: AI bot showcases deception skills, AI threat to jobs, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: AI bot showcases deception skills, AI threat to jobs, more

[ad_1] Concern is being voiced after an AI bot showcased its insider trading and deception abilities; The capital of Italy, Rome is set to host the next international AI conference during Italy's G7 presidency; Artists have rebelled against AI plagiarism threat; India has prioritised AI safety alongside growth and innovation- this and more in our daily roundup. Let us take a look.1. AI bot showcases insider trading and deception abilitiesAn AI bot showcased its ability to engage in illicit financial trading by using fabricated insider information to make "illegal" stock purchases without disclosing it, and when questioned, it denied any wrongdoing. The test conducted at the UK's AI safety summit revealed potential risks posed by increasingly autonomous AIs capable of deceiving human ove...