Tag: Gemini AI images problem

Google Gemini AI images disaster: What really happened with the image generator?

Google Gemini AI images disaster: What really happened with the image generator?

[ad_1] Google has been in hot waters recently over the inaccuracies of Gemini, its AI chatbot, in generating AI images. In the last few days, Gemini has been accused of generating historically inaccurate depictions as well as subverting racial stereotypes. After screenshots of inaccurate depictions surfaced on social media platforms including X, it drew criticism from the likes of billionaire Elon Musk and The Daily Wire's editor emeritus Ben Shapiro. Google's AI chatbot Gemini has come under fire for inaccuracies and bias in image generation. From the problems, Google's statement to what really went wrong and the next steps, know all about the Gemini AI images disaster.Gemini under scrutinyIt had been all smooth sailing in Gemini's first month of generating AI images up until a few day...