Tag: gassiness

Feeling Bloated After Dinner? These 5 Vegetables Could Be to Blame

Feeling Bloated After Dinner? These 5 Vegetables Could Be to Blame

[ad_1] Do you have a sensitive digestive system and feel bloated just after having a meal? We understand how uncomfortable this can be, especially after dinner. While it's lovely to enjoy a lavish meal with family, it's crucial to be mindful of what we eat at night. Yes, eating a healthy meal including vegetables is a good choice, but there are certain vegetables that are not suitable for dinner as they cause gas and make us feel bloated. If you don't know much about which vegetables cause gas, we are here to help you. We have listed down vegetables you should avoid at night.Also Read: World Liver Day: Top Foods And Habits To Support Your Liver's VitalityHere Are 5 Vegetables That You Should Avoid At Night:1. PotatoesWe love eating potatoes! Don't we? Potatoes are a go-to food for many o...
6 Foods You Should Avoid That Cause Bloating (And Tips To Reduce Bloating)

6 Foods You Should Avoid That Cause Bloating (And Tips To Reduce Bloating)

[ad_1] Have you ever felt that uncomfortable bloated feeling, with excess gas and abdominal discomfort? If so, you're not alone! It has become quite common as our eating habits tend to favour sinful street food over healthy homemade meals. However, did you know that the cause of your discomfort could be related to your most recent meal, which may still be sitting in your stomach undigested? The good news is that bloating and gas are usually not a sign of a serious health issue and can be managed with a few simple changes in your diet. To help you pinpoint which foods might be causing your bloating and gas, we've put together a list of common culprits, along with tips on how to avoid feeling gassy. So let's start on the path towards a happier and healthier digestive system!Here Are 6 Food...